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  1. R


    The College decided it would a good idea to do the C&G 2365 level II Electrical Installation Technology exam today and the Electrical Science exam tomorrow! :confused: So busy cramming formulas tonight! F=BIl, e=Blv, F=ma electrons, protons, left hand rule, class 3 levers, R=Rho.l/a blah blah...
  2. R

    Mock exam question

    Not entirely sure what they are getting at with this question: A circuit has been poorly desgined for selectivity between an appliance fuse and a MCB protecting the entire final circuit. What is the most likely outcome should a single fault occur on the appliance? a: A fault would disconnect...
  3. R

    One more debatable C&G exam question!

    One more and I think this is a really dumb question: Which of the following micro-generation systems required LEAST maintenance once installed? a) Biomass b) Solar thermal c) ASHP d) Micro CHP Clearly a) and d) are going to be higher maintenance. ASHP and Solar thermal? Hmmm. I'd say even...
  4. R

    Another C&G level 2 question

    This is another test question. Mulitple choice. Which circuit breaker operates fastest with a 300A fault current. 1. 32A Type B 2. 32A Type C 3. 32A type D 4. 32A Type C RCBO. I am thinking, as it's not been in any of the handouts, that a type B would see 300A as a short circuit and operate...
  5. R

    C&G 2365 example questions unit 203

    Looking at some example questions, I'm not seeing any answers in the handouts for unit 203, Electrical Installation Technology. First is: The Insulation material in MICC is absorbent, therefore the terminations must be: a) watertight b) correctly identified c) fitted with a gland d) fitted...
  6. R

    Sizing an inverter.

    Are there any benefits of going for, say an 8kw inverter over a 5kw, with a solar PV and battery system? I assume a 5kw would pull additional power from the grid if demand exceeds 5kw, rather than just switching 100% to grid supply? I'd also assume that an 8kw inverter will be less stressed...
  7. R

    Is tracking solar worth the hassle?

    We have about 3/4 of an acre of lawn and not much south facing roof so I am contemplating putting solar in the garden. I'm handy with the welder, so was thinking of mounting the panels onto a kind of long trailer type arrangment, so they can be moved around the lawn a bit. How worth while...