Recent content by Admin 7

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  1. Admin 7

    Hello all!

    Welcome to the community!
  2. Admin 7

    What's the weather there?

    I hope those little frogs still have their legs. It's good to know that Winter is starting to end and that SSpringcan be active. I appreciate spring for the rebirth of animals and vegetation and for reducing the need to heat my home.
  3. Admin 7

    What's the weather there?

    We are starting to have Spring start showing after a cold spell after an early warm spell. How about your location? Rain, cold, or are you starting to see Spring arrive?
  4. Admin 7

    New Member

    Welcome and thanks for joining up!
  5. Admin 7

    New member

    Welcome! We're glad to have you join us!
  6. Admin 7

    Happy Holidays!

    Lots of Holidays packed in so tight, I hope everyone has a safe and happy Holidays!
  7. Admin 7


    We are not closing. Usually in the summer forums go slow. Especially just before school goes back in session.
  8. Admin 7


    Welcome to the forum.
  9. Admin 7


    You can also send people private messages to check in on them. Friends online are still friends and if your IRL friend disappeared you'd reach out right? Just a thought.
  10. Admin 7

    Whats the strangest place you had a tingle - electric that is

    Mine is not in a building but wiring an 1969 auto for ham radio with an amplifier. Long drop cord from the house so I could use electrical tools to drill through the firewall to run coax. It was also a drizzling day. I came out from lunch and grab the door handle, the drop cord had a nick...
  11. Admin 7

    Hi All

    Welcome! We're glad to have you with us!
  12. Admin 7

    Alright all?

    Welcome to the forum.
  13. Admin 7


    Welcome to the forum.
  14. Admin 7


    Welcome to the forum.
  15. Admin 7

    landline number without the landline

    On those computer callers, they can put in the start and end phone numbers and they will call every number in that range. That would probably bypass anything listed on the do not call. I know I've listed on the do not call before and still get phone calls. If you are on a good phone...