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  1. Badger

    single CCTV camera recommendations

    The ptz and the drive statics were installed at the same time but the system has been upgraded a few times since 2001 when the first camera system went in place
  2. Badger

    single CCTV camera recommendations

    I have several static cameras as well. As a ptz camera so. Coverage with statics combined with a ptz isn't to much of an isuue in. That situation however I agree with the person moniting 24 7 however on some. Systems pir detectors linked. To the ptz or ptzs to force them to turn into an armed...
  3. Badger

    single CCTV camera recommendations

    Also a ptz which you move remotely can be useful to switch camera positions and zoom in on areas I have a ptz on the front I use it around the drive alot to. View different areas or things in it's field. Of. View
  4. Badger

    Shed power trip alarm

    Take a single socket from supply in board on that circuit next to fuseboard inside the house
  5. Badger

    Shed power trip alarm Found this online wondered if it was what your after regards badger
  6. Badger

    Solar setup

    Enphase might the better option tbh
  7. Badger

    Does this look OK ?

  8. Badger

    Does this look OK ?

    Arnt they over head lines connectors for the overhead supply cables to tap the transformers on the the uninsulated wires over the poles
  9. Badger

    Help! Inverter has quiet quit.

    Have you checked the fuses between the battery setup and the inverter make sure one of them has not blown as that would stop it charging or discharging
  10. Badger

    My supplier has told me my meter installation is illegal, how do I rectify ?

    By the looks of the location of the meter the whole cupboard would need removing out of that section in order to not restrict access for changing the meter it already looks like a new ish meter so not sure why you want it changing but it's not in a particular good place for metering personell...
  11. Badger


    If you have enphase micro. Inverters which operate at reduce dc voltage on the array as per solar panel is a Seperate inverter underneath is there any other things re earthing that is needed to be done as the voltage on the solar pv will be a max of around 60 ish volts dc not several hundreds in...
  12. Badger

    Unknown device on the back of a garage.

    Also you can use a dark coloured fleece jacket to civer the photocell
  13. Badger

    Sudden increase in usage after electrical work

    What's been plugged in the garage after the new supply has been installed
  14. Badger

    Oven stopped working, state of this plug!!

    I will. Always run a 6mm cooker feed into the kitchen for oven and a separate 6mm or 10mm feed for a hob even if it is down rated to a lower rcbo or mcb setup in the board old school way of doing things
  15. Badger

    Oven stopped working, state of this plug!!

    Would have been better hard wired into a connection plate on the wall I'm not a fan of ovens on plugs tbh better to be hard wired like immersion heaters