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    • R
      RIchol replied to the thread Cooker tripping.
      No. No socket
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      RIchol replied to the thread Cooker tripping.
      It seems that the circuit trips even when 1 hob is on for long enough.
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      RIchol replied to the thread Cooker tripping.
      These are the images of the circuit board. The cooker is the one with the smudged writing under.
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      RIchol replied to the thread Cooker tripping.
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      RIchol reacted to NozSpark's post in the thread Cooker tripping with Like Like.
      Instead of asking your electrician to carry out a specific task, ask them to find and fix the fault… Ive had a fault on a lighting...
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      RIchol reacted to UNG's post in the thread Cooker tripping with Like Like.
      This reminds me of a job coming up to christmas many years ago we sent an electrician to an RCD tripping fault house was on mural wired...
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      RIchol replied to the thread Cooker tripping.
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      RIchol replied to the thread Cooker tripping.
      Thanks. Telling tenants not to turn everything on isn't easy. I'll go down myself and try different combinations. Thanks for your help
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      RIchol replied to the thread Cooker tripping.
    • R
      RIchol replied to the thread Cooker tripping.
      Hi. Thanks for replying. I think it's when everything is turned on. It is the breaker on the main board. The issue was the same with...
    • R
      Hi. I have a rental property where the cooker trips the electrics. Initially I had the cooker elements replaced. It still tripped. I...
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