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  1. roys

    Looped in ceiling rise - adding junction box/spur

    Yip what you are proposing all sounds good to me, providing it is all done to a good standard, for example earth sleaving used, no single insulation outside the box, connections good with no exposed copper, I like the box secured and labelled. I have just done a similar thing to upgrade my...
  2. roys

    Test a socket ring main.

    Any sockets on the outside?
  3. roys

    Solar panel and battery on the outbuilding

    Are you sure? Just to confirm I think @binky is asking what size of cable is going out to the outhouse, a 25mm say 3 core SWA is unusual but not unheard of to go out to an outhouse, are we talking farm here?
  4. roys

    L1,L2,L3,L4 switch replacement

    It will work a treat, top ones into top connections, bottom ones into bottom connections. Reconnect earths to face plate.
  5. roys

    Sheet metal punches

    Ahhh didn’t fully understand what you were saying in your first post, I get it now, so will it be an attachment for our own drill? I can be a bit slow sometimes 😀
  6. roys

    Sheet metal punches

    Still a couple of actions as opposed to just battering through with the hole saw, although as @kerching rightly points out it would be ideal for square holes especially battery powered. Would you make your battery tool with adaption plates to suit say the main 3 or 4 battery systems, Dewalt...
  7. roys

    Meter Maids

    I would not be a happy bunny if I was you.
  8. roys

    Sheet metal punches

    I would say for every time I used a Qmax cutter I used a hole saw 99 times. So yes I have used Qmax cutters but mostly used hole saws. Found Qmax cutters too slow, by the time you have drilled the pilot hole for the Qmax then put the bolt in and start tightening I would have been as well just...
  9. roys

    Shed power trip alarm

    I was thinking and I might be wrong that the supply side in the house remains healthy but the trip is in the shed and that is what makes it a bit trickier, as the alarm has to go from shed to house with no spare cores. That’s why I was going down the load current monitoring route in house, with...
  10. roys

    Shed power trip alarm

    That looks like a neat solution providing you can set an alarm set point on the app. Certainly gave the OP plenty to think about.
  11. roys

    Shed power trip alarm

    Yip that’s what I was thinking about as well but like you, when he said no spare cable I binned that idea, that’s why I am thinking about current monitoring at the house end.
  12. roys

    Shed power trip alarm

    But does that not need to be plugged in at the shed so he won’t hear it in the house
  13. roys

    Shed power trip alarm

    Got an idea. Aliexpress not that I’m a fan and don’t know the quality but they sell a current monitoring relay that can be jumpered to set its relay contact on high or low current. Your live wire that goes to your circuit breaker in the house passes through this relay this allows it to monitor...
  14. roys

    Shed power trip alarm

    Mmm that’s got me thinking of clever ways to do this, You don’t happen to have a spare cable or duct running out to your shed do you?
  15. roys

    Does this look OK ?

    Yip the whole thing looks like someone flung some electrical kit in a cement mixer and that is how it rattled out, I wouldn’t be happy.