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      Stephen Jones replied to the thread Fans.
      Sound comments and I agree with all that. It's all about those raboo words Health and Safety at the end of the day. Wise words Trailer...
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      Stephen Jones replied to the thread Fans.
      I'm not an Electrician. Turns out the bathroom fitter had Incorrectly wired at least one of the 21 wires coming through the ceiling...
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      Stephen Jones replied to the thread Fans.
      Thanks Trailer Boy..comprehensive reply brilliant. Very grateful. Your assumptions are all correct. M Electrician with me now will post...
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      Stephen Jones replied to the thread Fans.
      'With a tester Ung..I'm with a proper electrician now
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      I have just had a new en suite installed off a bedroom. I have a new in-line fan in the loft connected to a light switch outside the...
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