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  1. S

    Socket blowing fuse

    Wires in wrong places (new plate layout was different and he’d just copied the original pattern 🤦
  2. S

    Socket blowing fuse

    Thanks all - problem now resolved! Wrong wiring (it will take him a while to live that down 😂)
  3. S

    Socket blowing fuse

    None - what would you suggest?? That’s the type of help we need O guess x
  4. S

    Socket blowing fuse

    Nope - it happened as the screw touched the metal on the box - definitely no cables nearby!
  5. S

    Socket blowing fuse

    We are having problems with one socket which my husband has changed the front plate on. When he tried to attach the new front cover it singed the screw and blew the fuse. What could be causing this?