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  1. Tim Howard

    A little confused on wiring diagram for heating.

    No, not on this one.
  2. Tim Howard

    Di-Log tester

    If you have the probe with test button, not too bad. But I know what you mean. Megger has had hands free continuity tests going back to the BM series and once you’ve used it you want it! If I was starting out I’d get a 15xx, they are bullet proof, batteries last forever, and they are easy to use.
  3. Tim Howard

    A little confused on wiring diagram for heating.

    There is one improvement, you don’t want the boiler to fire unless the UFH zone valve opens. So I’d use the orange from the zone valve to feed Common on the heat enable relay That way if the valve doesn’t open, the boiler won’t fire up.
  4. Tim Howard

    Worst install and strangest testing for a long while

    Another local sparks who I'm good friends with asked me to look at this one with him. He'd gone there to try and solve nuisance tripping. Based on testing he reckoned the car port electrics were a big factor (I could certainly see why) and he replaced some accessories with decent IP rated...
  5. Tim Howard

    A little confused on wiring diagram for heating.

    That looks spot on. (If it's the only heating system you may not have a zone valve for the under floor heating)
  6. Tim Howard

    A little confused on wiring diagram for heating.

    That's a really funny coincidence, I did one of these at a school on Saturday....with 4 wireless stats. So the way these work is that the heat enable is just a relay. In my case.... The under floor heating pump was a simple 3 wire connection to the controller. I had a four core flex going to...
  7. Tim Howard

    Di-Log tester

    Nothing wrong with them. If you are buying one 2nd hand, I'd suggest you find one with 12 months calibration on it from a seller that accepts returns.
  8. Tim Howard

    "My oven smells of grim cheese when I use it"

    The issue was the manufacturers spade connector onto the terminal, it had hardly any grip. The screw terminal was tight, and while it could have been prepared better it wasn’t causing any problems.
  9. Tim Howard

    "My oven smells of grim cheese when I use it"

    This one didn't take long. The spade connector was seriously loose. As a lover of interesting cheeses, I had to contain my indignation that this smell was likened to cheese....
  10. Tim Howard

    Beko Oven tripping RCD

    Aside from giving it time, there is only one more thing you can do; see if there is a cooker isolator switch in the kitchen on the wall or in a cupboard. Turn it off. Check the cooker circuit will turn on at the consumer unit and not trip the RCD. That is the best you can do without special...
  11. Tim Howard

    Minor electrical certificate

    @Stephen Munt there are also a few software options for generating certificates. The most practical software for your situation is probably Electraform as you can purchase a few credits at very low cost and then it doesn't matter if it takes you a month or years to use them.
  12. Tim Howard

    Favourite job?

    Another job I like is sorting out broken under floor heating control systems. In my area other sparks seem to run a mile from these jobs.
  13. Tim Howard

    Minor electrical certificate

    Unfortunately things have this habit of evolving... I sometimes wonder what would happen if the completion certificate (equivalent to EIC) from the 14th edition came back. I suspect many people would certify work as it would barely take any time to do. The danger is things would get certified...
  14. Tim Howard

    Will Smart meter show export electricity from excess solar panel electricity

    Really you want a cheap dual channel monitor as advised above. They can be had for under £30. Most require putting in a suitable box and need a power supply providing and then have two CT clamps, which can be used for import and export.
  15. Tim Howard

    Minor electrical certificate

    You should watch the entire youtube playlist from John Ward on testing. It's excellent. Only experience and fighting encountering endless dodgy installations can teach you what to do when questionable numbers come up on the screen though!
  16. Tim Howard

    Favourite job?

    Good point. I've only ever had one customer excited about a low impedance reading and he was a physics teacher!
  17. Tim Howard

    Favourite job?

    Today I had one of my favourite tasks, sorting out a completely useless TT setup. Broken RCD and rod measuring >500 ohms. I find strange satisfaction in bashing in new earth rods. I love the suspense of wondering if all the effort will be worth it, wondering if you've sussed where the other...
  18. Tim Howard

    Long time member saying hello for the first time

    Off top of my head: Nicebutdim, davesparks And my wish list would also include Pretty Mouth, James, Avo mk8, Sparky Sy, pc1966, Julie
  19. Tim Howard

    "Specialist" Contractors

    MCS also seems to be eating up scheme/scam assessor time like nobody’s business. My Napit renewal was in July. Earliest assessment possible is December 18th! I was chatting to the assessor yesterday on the phone as his workload has increased by 40% and a lot apparently due to MCS.
  20. Tim Howard

    Long time member saying hello for the first time

    It’s good to have you here. It was the crowd of extremely pleasant and helpful people that made that other place worth frequenting and I’m so pleased that many of the main crowd are here now.