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  1. B

    Is it OK to DIY and make safe dangerous wiring in a bathroom?

    Looking much better now. Thanks for all the comments.
  2. B

    Is it OK to DIY and make safe dangerous wiring in a bathroom?

    🤦‍♂️I actually knew that, but something I always forget.
  3. B

    Shower Pump Outside Of A Wet Zone

    This was a long time ago, but since I'm back on the site... The sale went through with no further fuss, at least my brother didn't mention any more about it after he asked, and I posted. Don't know who flagged it at the time, could have been the purchaser or surveyor. The airing cupboard was...
  4. B

    Is it OK to DIY and make safe dangerous wiring in a bathroom?

    I recently bought a house, and just today being inquisitive took a look on top of the cupboard/mirror unit where there are two spot lights. The house was built around 1988, and going by the decor in that bathroom its probably not far from the original bathroom. The bathroom has four spotlights...
  5. B

    Shower Pump Outside Of A Wet Zone

    Hi, Some time ago my brother installed a shower pump in his airing cupboard, spurred from the immersion circuit (via a 3A fused switched spur). He is now selling the property and the solicitor is asking for a building regs certificate for the shower pump installation. Is the installation of a...