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  1. C

    Electrical Installation Condition Report - Bathroom light

    Ah - 'Woking', sorry, wasn't paying attention. I'm supposed to be working :facepalm: So what's the going rate in Woking, or did I miss that as well? 
  2. C

    Electrical Installation Condition Report - Bathroom light

    ... ok, correction, almost 25 years ago (not 30), before someone starts doing the maths ;)  
  3. C

    Electrical Installation Condition Report - Bathroom light

    I don't make my living as and an Electrician so it would be unreasonable for me to comment on what is a fair price. All I can say is I didn't set the price, I didn't even haggle. There are obviously lots of influencing factors that go into setting the market rate.  Granted, the  market rate...
  4. C

    Electrical Installation Condition Report - Bathroom light

    I imagine the price is going to relative to where in the country the work is being carried out and the level of competition in that area. There certainly was not a shortage of electricians available. Also, like I say, he provided the highest quote. This was another reason I felt he might be the...
  5. C

    Electrical Installation Condition Report - Bathroom light

    £190 inclusive. Seemed an honest price for what amounts to 10 hours work. £40 over what other guys were quoting. But having never gone through this before I didn't know what the going rate is or what to expect. 
  6. C

    Electrical Installation Condition Report - Bathroom light

    8 circuits:   3 sockets: Upstairs/Downstairs/Kitchen (was built on as an extension)   2 lights: Upstairs/Downstairs   1 Cooker   1 Alarm (now a single socket)   1 Combi boiler I wouldn't personally consider the access restrictive, no more that I would expect for a typical home. But then...
  7. C

    Electrical Installation Condition Report - Bathroom light

    @AndyTM: ... upon reflection, probably not one of my smartest decisions.  :facepalm:
  8. C

    Electrical Installation Condition Report - Bathroom light

    @Blue Duck I found him via an online search for electricians in the required postcode area. I can't remember which site it was that directed me to him unfortunately. He had the necessary credentials and interestingly his website does mentioned that he carries out work for the local council. I...
  9. C

    Electrical Installation Condition Report - Bathroom light

    They were not under any pressure, other then when can you get it done. They called the shots. They named the date, how long it would take and the price... I didn't even try to haggle them down even though they where the highest quote (I've been stung before going cheap). I even had to wait 6...
  10. C

    Electrical Installation Condition Report - Bathroom light

    @phil d : Totally true and a great attitude, if only their were more tradesmen like you in the world. I think I should 'SCOOB' you, only, I'm not sure what 'SCOOB' actually means. According to urban dictionary it's:       "Scoob; when you're smoking marijuana out of a pipe or piece and you suck...
  11. C

    Electrical Installation Condition Report - Bathroom light

    Cheers guys! You have all been incredibly helpful.  I've got to get back to this guy now and some how deal with this - thank you. 
  12. C

    Electrical Installation Condition Report - Bathroom light

    Ok, managed to get the ceiling height, it is 2.41m (floor-to-ceiling).
  13. C

    Electrical Installation Condition Report - Bathroom light

    I want to be as fair as I can to the electrician so I have found another picture to add some context. The position of the light fitting is in the centre of the ceiling in line with the sink pedestal. So it's not immediately above the bath/shower area.       
  14. C

    Electrical Installation Condition Report - Bathroom light

    LOL. I'm not that old, yet - I'm 45, I done my training about 27 years ago so I must be wrong on which edition it is. I was going from memory. I'll have to try and dig it out and dust it off. I'm still pretty sure it's going to be well out of date. ;)
  15. C

    Electrical Installation Condition Report - Bathroom light

    LOL. I'm not that old, yet - I'm 45, I done my training about 27 years ago so I must be wrong on which edition it is. I was going from memory. I'll have to try and dig it out and dust it off. I'm still pretty sure it's going to be well out of date. ;)
  16. C

    Electrical Installation Condition Report - Bathroom light

    @binky : That's exactly my point. I would expect an experienced electrician to apply some common sense and even if there is no visible label they should be able to use past experience to make a sensible and safe judgement call.  I've uploaded a photo - maybe I'm being unreasonable or just...
  17. C

    Electrical Installation Condition Report - Bathroom light

    Thank you for taking the time to respond @Lurch, your advice is always appreciated. OK  - So I have had a good google, unfortunately my own copy of wiring regs is out of date at 11th Ed. What I can find says: "Any wiring system or equipment selected and installed must be suitable for its...
  18. C

    Electrical Installation Condition Report - Bathroom light

    So my question is:    Does a bathroom light in Zone 2 need to be steam proof or is this just an excuse for F/I - i.e. more money? In his own words - "The testing process doesn’t afford enough time to investigate these items fully and therefore F/I is required, usually on a time/material...
  19. C

    Electrical Installation Condition Report - Bathroom light

    I need to get someone to measure that for me. If it were outside zone 2 then it would only have to follow the same rules as any other house light. Also, is that simply floor-to-ceiling or nearest water source to ceiling. In the mean time, worse case, assuming it does not fall outside zone 2 is...
  20. C

    Electrical Installation Condition Report - Bathroom light

    Hi, I recently had a Electrical Installation Condition Report done and one of the issues that came back was an 'F/I' on the ceiling mounted bathroom light:     "F/I - Unsure of bathroom light IP rating. " I contacted the guy and pointed out (to the best of my knowledge) that the light...