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  1. O

    permitted routes - sloping ceiling

    Yes it's a ceiling but it's also a modern roof with 200mm of insulation and far more of a problem than a wall chase. I don't want to debate the merits of methods as any spark must make these determinations with the unique site conditions in mind and each situation is different. Certainly it's...
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    permitted routes - sloping ceiling

    i agree fully that the responsibility is mine and you should note that i have not asked for anyone to "justify" my belief for me. the part i am fitting to is not sloping it is a vertical wall the top however meets a sloping ceiling. the problem is that to remain within 150mm from the ceiling...
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    permitted routes - sloping ceiling

    thanks,the problem is my 7671 is out of date and i wanted to check before i get the new one tomorrow that they have not changed the wording. while i keep my OSG up to date i have been lax in updating the full regs but its ordered now. i suspect that the OSG is just going for an easier to...
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    permitted routes - sloping ceiling

    could anyone confirm the wording of 522.6.6 (v)? i have not updated from my red book 17th  and have a conflict i am trying to resolve between it and the A3 OSG  i have to run a cable in a permitted route at the top of a wall which meets a sloping ceiling. BS7671 522.6.6 (v) reads "(v) be...
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    help - so far outside the norm I need a sanity check!

    well I have just come across another oddity. for the moment I am wiring up the generator side as a stand alone 3 phase supply and I have come across something interesting... the generator came from a mobile seed dresser (stand alone piece of agricultural equipment) the set and its controls...
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    what is this called?

    Knowledge and experience are invaluable commodities. I tried terminal blocks and distribution strip but distribution block was the one. Have found several others with that phrase so thank you again.
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    what is this called?

    that second one is exactly the thing. Google is not all powerful! it did not find any of them despite searches on what should have been good keywords. thanks so much knowing the right suppliers must be the trick :)
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    what is this called?

    thanks - they would work I guess I am thinking old fashioned as everything is DIN rail these days. I was searching 3PH 4 or 5 pole didn't even cross my mind it would be single pole units and make what you need. :signthankspin:
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    what is this called?

    40A and 100A for the current projects but its more about finding a generic name or supplier as I just cant find the things. I suspect the difficulty is that they wouldn't be used in fixed wiring as a distribution board would be more suitable and protection would be needed. In the case of the...
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    what is this called?

    I have been looking for this type of connection block ebay link does this device have a name as I have been searching using everything I can think of and this is the only one I have found. i have a couple of heater projects where I have to terminate 10 sets of 3ph heaters into a SSR and a...
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    help - so far outside the norm I need a sanity check!

    this is exactly why I thought I would put this out there. just because something is possible does not mean you should do it! difficult to describe something like this without a diagram. think of it as single phase coming into a CU and one circuit fed with the stuff I don't want to interrupt...
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    help - so far outside the norm I need a sanity check!

    My current project is so far outside the norm I am hoping that the more experienced here can have a look and see if what I want to do is acceptable as I am having a hard time applying the regs to the different aspects when combined as a whole. While this is my own property not a customer I...
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    Hi There, Just a quick hello as I am new around here. not quite sure as to whether i am a spark yet but working on it! have done levels 1+2 Electrical installation am about to do 17th, 2394, 2395 and PAT currently work with father in law who is an indentured spark amongst many other skills...