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  1. Manator

    Starting out!

  2. Manator


    I have been known by quite a few nicknames over the past. Some I never got others I just flew with if you know what I mean. Mouse, probably because I was small and quiet Buzzby, I had an afro hairdo that was cut out (1970's) made me look like I had a permanent buzby. Pikey, my family were...
  3. Manator

    Interesting EICR

    You are correct Dave, however the people are intending to let the property. The original plumber has orientated the immersion so it is easier for him to get his pipes on. The result is that the actual heater is on the rear of the tank. I have assumed that a thermal cut out is not fitted but...
  4. Manator

    Interesting EICR

    @Phoenix Overall that is not a bad assumption, I just wished I had a better camera on my phone. The C2 that I wanted people to spot was the immersion heater, I have seen people miss this on many EICR reports. The 4293 if you noticed was a 63A 0.1A so its a 100mA RCD which is a current operated...
  5. Manator

    Interesting EICR

    The HED is the older type (not metal) but with a fuse carrier in the neutral, this is freshly sealed up and the meter is one of the new ones with inbuilt isolator ( a little red flag thingy) I think all the meter guys now only carry 25mm, I doubt that they would have changed the main fuse but...
  6. Manator

    Part P register

    Sorted it for you @Sharpend
  7. Manator

    Interesting EICR

    @Phoenix you are correct, and I had to double check whilst on site. The VIR cable is over 55 years old and the cpc was not of the size I expected to see when compared to later PVC cables.  The latest tables produced for this cable was 1966 ( 14th edition) and even then the cpc was as you say.
  8. Manator

    Today's kitchen tip

    Because they make what we know we like, females just make what they want us to like :slap
  9. Manator

    Interesting EICR

    Zs is too high Adrian but I tested at 1.08 and the actual maximum is just a little lower than that.
  10. Manator

    Interesting EICR

    Good observation Adrian, as all the cables are imperial sizes this does have an effect on the outcome. Lighting was equivalent to 1mm Sockets was equivalent to 4mm (just over but near enough) The CPC of the sockets was equivalent to 1mm, however I did not have a vernier on me so I opted for...
  11. Manator

    Interesting EICR

    No Andy, I did rub a bit where I could get to it and it was fine and still had some flex in it. Although I did not want to disturb it too much.
  12. Manator

    Interesting EICR

    @ProDave I must admit I was really amazed at the results. The owner of the house by the way is an Electrical Engineer with a Bsc and I think was testing me out.
  13. Manator

    Interesting EICR

    I had an interesting EICR rush job today, the report had to be supplied as soon as the testing was carried out. I gave an unsatisfactory result, as there were many C2 codes given, however I thought it may be a useful exercise if I posted the findings here and let people have a say. The test...
  14. Manator

    I may have found the answer

    It is a very valid point phil d
  15. Manator

    Today's kitchen tip

    Here is a good tip, if you gently dry roast the cummin seeds they grind faster and better.
  16. Manator

    The IET and the EU

    The debate is still going on over there. If you can call it a debate. Some members are not happy at all. @Murdoch the IET is an institution, no one person just sits and writes anything. It is all a collaboration based on data that is provided almost daily. I was opposed to the new Amd 3...
  17. Manator

    Earth rods in triangle configuration BS 7430:2011

    I can not ever say that I have seen OMS get it wrong, so if he says it, it must be right. His insight has also changed the way I do some of my work.
  18. Manator

    Earth rods in triangle configuration BS 7430:2011

    "The equation is for interconnecting rods so just use the equation as written" quoted from IET forum reply given by OMS
  19. Manator


    @revjames Your jokes circumvent forum rules. :slap :slap
  20. Manator

    How's it going

    Welcome to the forum, but why angry? All the Irish I have ever met are so laid back angry is a last resort.