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  1. B


    Hi everyone, just a quick question, my boss is out of the office today and i want to crack on with some plans to fit out a fire alarm system in our unit, rather than sitting on facebook all day. does anyone know the symbols for smoke heads, emergency break glass points and the fire panel...
  2. B

    2330 301

    Hey everyone, just to let you know i got a credit on my exam today, it was really tough and i guessed a lot of answers but its done and out the way, thanks for posting those practise papers up they really helped! on with the portfolio now Cheers Ben
  3. B


    pretty sure the 32 gig does, hence the apps being able to measure sound.
  4. B


    didnt mean to copy it all, dunno how to just take a snipet thought, i must say it isnt a lickle ickle pc though, its an apple product so instantly makes it a million times better than any pc. my boss has an ipod touch with all sorts of apps for measuring noise levels, getting the right angle on...
  5. B

    Tool boxes and contents

    as im an apprentice i have little in the way of tools, drivers, cutters, tape, spirit level, the basics, have a bag similar to andy's picture, looking to invest in a new tool every other week or so to build up, recently got a nice set of bahco rachet spanners, looking for a soldering iron next...
  6. B


    dont think he got banned, dont think he turned up to the trial, which says an awful lot, this really bugs me cause not only did terry get us to the finals as captain but he has proved since the media hype he can keep a cool head, and lets be honest they've give him a hard time for a while...
  7. B

    hi all

    cheers everyone, i did the mock exam on swindon massive and got 37 out of 40 which was a big relief, i've noticed the more papers i do the more of the same questions come up and then it becomes a case of just remembering them. the places im struggling with are the formulas, we had a recap...
  8. B

    hi all

    im currently doing an apprenticeship at Blackburn college, I have my 301 exam tomorrow, pretty nervous still struggling with some equations, i found some practise papers on here but found some of the answers to be incorrect so now im a little more unsure, i've been using swindon massive and...