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  1. K

    metal halide replacement

    gents, the lamps are on 10 hours a day 5 days a week. The fittings are quite old so it could be component failure. The lamps may be cheap, just asked for 400w MH from the wholesaler, didn't specify a brand as such and yes the fittings are 400w
  2. K

    metal halide replacement

    gents, this is all the information I've got on the lamps and where they are used its two rows of 5 fittings , 30m long and 6m high, 10m wide the MH lamps are 400w and I'm after general lighting levels as its a warehouse hope this helps
  3. K

    metal halide replacement

    thanks Andy. The last time I replaced the lamps was only just over a year ago and I've got 6/10 still working. With having to hire a mobile platform its an expensive job to keep doing, so I was looking for something long lasting, therefore the led option 
  4. K

    metal halide replacement

    hi, I'm thinking of replacing 10off 400w metal halide units in our warehouse with led lamps.  I don't know too much about led's, its all new tech to me, can I get retrofit lamps to use?  do they need control gear or just a power supply?, if just power, can I gut the old fitting to save...
  5. K

    low voltage tungsten lamps

    that's what I've got, even googled electrical calculations and put resistance valves into the online calculator and got the same results, hence the confusion try the values yourself
  6. K

    low voltage tungsten lamps

    are you guys on about inrush etc, the initial surge of current? I don't suppose it takes too long to get up to temperature and a higher filament resistance?
  7. K

    low voltage tungsten lamps

    thanks guys, just been doing some more sums and im more confused..... I've measured some normal lamps I've got here 240v 100w lamp = 43 ohm 240v 40w lamp = 112 ohm 110v 400w TH lamp = 3.1 ohm( just for fun) now unless ohms law has changed since I've left college, V=IxR , R=V/I, I=V/R and...
  8. K

    low voltage tungsten lamps

    thanks, yes should be but that's done with actual test meter values! I haven't got the 25v lamp to hand to check its resistance. I can't afford to keep putting fuses in at £5 a pop( literally) that's why I checked the values and did the sums I know its 25v open circuit because I've had my meter...
  9. K

    low voltage tungsten lamps

    hello ladies and gentlemen, I hope this isn't a silly question, but I have an old angle poise lamp on a lathe that keeps blowing fuses. I have checked the wiring and all is ok, even measuring 25v open circuit at the lamp holder, but as soon as I put a lamp in it blows the 2A MD fuse (this was...