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  1. apprentice87

    is this 3 phase

    Yes, i missed that, what with all the leaves and all. The OP needs to have a sweep up and take more photos. It seems you are right though!!! john..
  2. apprentice87

    is this 3 phase

    Very hard to see from the photo, but it seems to me that the meter is bypassed.. Look at the Henly in the corner.. What is that all about?? john..
  3. apprentice87

    Fitting a Cooker Extractor Hood

    Yes, but that does not mean that it is legal for a UK supplier to sell it to you.. john..
  4. apprentice87

    Fitting a Cooker Extractor Hood

    Well, in this case, where the product OBVIOUSLY does not comply, if you went and told the retailer that the thing either was not, or was fraudulently CE marked and that you were going to the HSE and trading standards, i suspect they might just sort any problems out for you. Maybe not though, as...
  5. apprentice87

    Fitting a Cooker Extractor Hood

    I used to work for a place that made chip shop ranges. They had the one type properly tested for the CE mark, but then just CE marked every product they made. They did not care in the least.. john..
  6. apprentice87

    Fitting a Cooker Extractor Hood

    Would it not have to be CE marked to be sold here?? john
  7. apprentice87

    Client interference

    Ok, way i see it.. 1, If a customer buggers up their own computer on their own site and you have to go and fix it, that it one thing. The customer turning up to your shop in the middle of the night, letting themselves in, and buggering about, is an ENTIRELY different thing. 2, Why should you...
  8. apprentice87

    No Earth

    I am not being funny, but i think you are MILES out of your depth here.. From the look of it, the service cable is not PILC, so it is not TNS with armour as earth.. It looks like a CNE service cable.. So, just have a look inside the cutout and it is either TNCS or it is not. [and would have to...
  9. apprentice87

    No Earth

    The only sensible [and fairly obvious] thing to do.. john..
  10. apprentice87

    Prostate cancer, Please read and post.

    Yep, and if you try to complain you will deliberately be given the run around.. 1, complaint to the doctors and you will be struck off their list. 2, they will hint that you should complain to the NHS. After much messing, you will find that the doctors is nothing to do with the NHS. 3, you will...
  11. apprentice87

    Garage power wiring

    Do a proper wiring diagram, we can comment then.. Give details of earthing and bonding arrangements too.. john..
  12. apprentice87

    Prepayment meters...

    Hi All, Posting this as it may help some of you advise some of your customers.. PREPAYMENT ENERGY METERS, ARE YOU DUE COMPENSATION? Energy suppliers were told by Ofgem last week to pay compensation to customers wrongly forced to have prepayment meters. To get a warrant to force fit...
  13. apprentice87

    Advice needed scoping work for electrician

    Must be different in different parts of the country. WPD the biggest DNO in the country, use black ducts.. They tell you; "Black Alkathene service ducting shall be used. Black is the only colour to be used for electrical service cables, to prevent confusion with other utility services" Wonder...
  14. apprentice87

    Advice needed scoping work for electrician

    If you do some digging around, you will most likely find that the DNO publish a price guide for installation work, this might help. I DO know, that if the DNO dig trenches, there is one rate for in the road, another for in footpaths, and another for on your land. Obviously, dig the ones on your...
  15. apprentice87

    Advice needed scoping work for electrician

    It is black for LV. The red ones are for HV. The DNO will NOT install a service cable until you can give them an MPAN. [which you get from the supplier you have contracted with. This is to stop you arranging unmetered supplies.. john..
  16. apprentice87

    Advice needed scoping work for electrician

    I think that would be a better job too.. john..
  17. apprentice87

    Advice needed scoping work for electrician

    A DNO cable duct is BLACK twinwall duct. 2" diameter for a single phase supply and 4" for a three phase supply. The DNO will usually supply the duct themselves.. The depth is 450mm to the top of the duct. The supply will ONLY be installed ONCE the DNO have seen proof that you have contracted...
  18. apprentice87

    Advice needed scoping work for electrician

    Why on earth you would want to swap your gas for electric is way beyond me.. Gas is FAR cheaper.. Secondly, as you have an overhead supply, i assume that there is no underground mains cable in your street??? If this is the case you can forget a three phase supply.. If there IS an underground LV...
  19. apprentice87

    Industry silence over deadly network fault putting lives at risk ......neutral current diversion

    Yes, but this is not new... This sort of thing has been known about since the DNO's first started with their idiotic TNCS systems. As for the HSE, they are not as "neutral" or independant as you might like to think, or so it seems to me. If TNCS systems are safe, then why is it that they are...
  20. apprentice87

    High and low voltage 3 phase system

    If the neutral is faulty, everything will SEEM fine until you apply a load. You would get 230 with everything disconnected You need to do a loop test from each phase to neutral and see what you get. If not about 0.2 or 0.3 you have a supply neutral fault. Turn on the "faulty" circuit. Now go...