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  1. S60TEM

    Does anyone use MyHammer website for getting work?

    As title really. Do any of you guys subscribe to this site for work because I think it's very expensive at
  2. S60TEM

    Green Goo

    The green goo to give it it's real name is 'Verdigris' and its the result of moisture that is oxidising the copper.......sort of like rust on steel and the white powder on Aluminium. Have you noticed copper pipework underneath boilers etc, they'll have a very similar 'goo' on them too...
  3. S60TEM

    Does anyone know of best deals atm for a 10 way cu?

    yeah, crabtree and wylex are great but OP asked for best deals on 10 way boards and the aforementioned are at least another third dearer than the budget boards.
  4. S60TEM

    High r1 on ring

    I would visually inspect behind all of the sockets and check the tightness of the terminations. As there's only 15 of them it shouldn't take too long, then if nothing shows up as being obvious i'd go for what Lee has suggested.
  5. S60TEM

    Does anyone know of best deals atm for a 10 way cu?

    if the BG your refering to is British General I'd advise not to use them to be honest! I've installed a couple within the last couple of months for customers on tight budgets but they are C R A P! The earth and Neutral bars strip very easily when you tighten the screws because they're not...
  6. S60TEM

    Full rewire EIC or PIR as landlords certificate

    Surely if your rewiring the whole house then why would there be any observations to list as everything will be replaced, cables, accessories, earthing, bonding. The whole installation for a new rewire would need to be 100% compliant to BS7671 and thus the EIC would worth more than an...
  7. S60TEM

    Need some work....self employed is a pain! Suggestions please.

    thanks guys, been chasing some leads this week and got 2 small jobs out of it but it's a foot in the door! I'll keep you's all posted on how I get on.
  8. S60TEM

    Consumer Unit Charging

    [quote name='Andy
  9. S60TEM

    Interchangeable MCB'S RCD'S Etc ( What Fits? )

    What fits into a Proteus board other than Geyer please guys.
  10. S60TEM

    Quoting in a recession

    I just quoted on a replacement consumer unit, 10 way including upgrading tails to 25mm, Earth to 16mm and bonding to 10mm and I quoted
  11. S60TEM

    Replacing tails.......notifiable?

    Just a quick one really, Went to a job last week to install a secondary telephone socket and a single socket in a porch to which I issued a MWC for. Now on Isolating the circuit at the DB I noticed that it was fed from the meter by a 10mm T&E instead of meter tails! Now, I told the...
  12. S60TEM

    Need some work....self employed is a pain! Suggestions please.

    Just recently went self employed again and am just about ticking over with work that I get from my brother in law but i've only done 1 job this week and i'm hoping that its gonna improve. Now its not a do or die situation as other than our mortgage, we have zero debt and my wife covers all our...
  13. S60TEM

    spur supplying more than one appliance

    what about washing machines and dishwashers, they all tend to be energy efficient with only cold water supply's and have internal heaters hence they are over 2kW.
  14. S60TEM

    ID please

    just install carbon filtered cooker hoods above every toilet with a notice on the back of the bog door saying "Please turn on cooker hood if your doing a biggun!" pmsl
  15. S60TEM

    Oh no not again (tn-c-s)

    armour not connected?! Then where's the earth continuity for the RCD to be effective unless its using one of the cores for the CPC?
  16. S60TEM

    PI Insurance for issuing PIRs

    I got my PL and PI insurance through NAPIT's insurance scheme. It all depends on the type of work you do most, whether you work on mainly domestic, work at heights, in confined spaces etc etc I paid
  17. S60TEM

    RCBO testing times

    Right, ok. Some peoples attitude on here I just can't be arsed with. Especially when its just being pedantic.
  18. S60TEM

    RCBO testing times

    Brakes, yes they will need to be pumped a few times to circulated the fluid etc and perfectly acceptable and normal. Seatbelts, hardly a comparison tbh. Yes they're a safety device but they either work or they don't. Simple. Hardly the same as an RCD whereas it could still work but be...