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  1. Badger

    Seplos bms and lifepo4 battery cells on solis inverter

    Been doing some wiring tidying and removal of old wiring from under floor boarfs thought id get the solar isolators fully installed at same time
  2. Badger

    What size Inverter ?

    i was under the impression that all solar should be wired direct to its own rcbo/mcb setup. and have a proper isolator system double pole. not wired via a plug top or fused spur.
  3. Badger

    One or two solis inverters?

    i think the micro inverters are around 100 each plus the panel and about 300-400 for the hub unit.
  4. Badger

    What size Inverter ?

    I agree the cost is slightly more in outlay but the benefits out weigh that imho because of the single point of failure pov
  5. Badger

    One or two solis inverters?

    Image of mine
  6. Badger

    One or two solis inverters?

    Why dont you look at micro inverters from enphase which would.make the system far more efficient and that would mean its not one inverter or invetters to fail and produce a more efficient power generation
  7. Badger

    Seplos bms and lifepo4 battery cells on solis inverter

    Inside one of the boxes which the bms measurement wires have since been cable tied up neatly all four look the same
  8. Badger

    Seplos bms and lifepo4 battery cells on solis inverter

    yes 4 cell enclosures with 4 cells in each making 12v series to each other to make 48v battery inverter is the solis rai3k ac coupled with backup connection through a changeover switch
  9. Badger

    Seplos bms and lifepo4 battery cells on solis inverter

    They are seplos bms with eve lifepo cells 280ah @16qty making a 14.4kwh battery bank but with export limited as we dont allow export to grid only self use
  10. Badger

    Seplos bms and lifepo4 battery cells on solis inverter

    Well got my battery all setup and installed now and its working great
  11. Badger

    Clean the panels?
  12. Badger

    Clean the panels?
  13. Badger

    Clean the panels?

    I bought a 4m pole from morrisons and window cleaning socks from amazon and i do mine regulary like every 2-3 weeks usually on a sundqy as one of my sunday jibs
  14. Badger

    Advice please - multiple wires from light fitting

    That flex looks dicey tbh it needs rewiring in 3 core and earth I'd guess it's four core flex of some sort I'd be looking to locate that were it goes and rewire that cable to correct 3 core and earth
  15. Badger

    CCTV installation

    Is the camera going to cover the hole when mounted in place
  16. Badger

    I may have gone over board

    Been changing some other bits Iver to poe switch in yellow cabling for the cctv cameras and just updating the nvr unit to record the cctv onto
  17. Badger

    Electric sockets for outside but undercover!

    door bell cable its only 2 core and op could install an earth rid at each socket location
  18. Badger

    Amusing number plates (2023 Edition)

    I think that is brilliant 🤓
  19. Badger

    Solar power for shed

    It would possibly be wise to look into battery storage was decent weather will export any to battery instead of wasting to grid
  20. Badger

    Solar power for shed

    Is your shed connected to your house on the same supply through the metering or is it a separate supply that isn't anything to do with your house if your all on the same supply. Shed and house together then any excess generated not used in the shed would be used by your home before going back to...