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  1. P

    Am2 fault finding help!!

    Thanks mate I will write the recordings down. What would be a example of a short circuit on a ring circuit how would I find it? 
  2. P

    Am2 fault finding help!!

    I didn't actually write the result and when I retake it again. It would help if I knew just to put L and E fault 
  3. P

    Am2 fault finding help!!

    I think I have to say if it is a short circuit or a high resistant joint etc 
  4. P

    Am2 fault finding help!!

    Last time I had a insulation fault on the co2 circuit from the spur between line and earth. The reading was very low on the insulation resistance fault and I put it down as a short circuit, does that sound about right?  Thanks
  5. P

    Am2 fault finding help!!

    Recently took my am2 and passed everything but fault finding. I fount 7/7 faults but I worded three of them wrong could.  For example I got a bad insulation resistance reading on one of the circuits and I didn't know if it was a short circuit or not.  Could anyone help me on what readings I...