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  1. Pyro

    Talking CCTV

    While on the subject of anti-social behaviour, etc, the town where myself and Mrs Pryo live has a great local newspaper..... (actually, it should be "grating" local paper in this case): There was a spate of smashing up bus shelters and shop windows about a year back. Within a few weeks, the...
  2. Pyro

    how much per hour should i charge

    Thanks for the acknowledgements, guys. :) Pyro.
  3. Pyro

    Happy birthday Mcgaw81 [24 aug!]

    Happy Birthday from another member of the "Virgo Brotherhood". All the best, Pyro.
  4. Pyro

    how much per hour should i charge

    There are two problems with charging cheap, moonlighting/part-time, and building-up a customer base: 1. When you go it alone full time, you will need to put your rates up from
  5. Pyro


    Talcum powder works well. Wires, ladders, tools, clothes, etc. remain dry and to my mind easier to handle. Talc is also easier to clean-up or hide than drips of Yellow or Blue lube.
  6. Pyro

    Cookoo clock

    00:40 Mrs Pyro has just got in..... reasonably sober, no "cuckoos". :x One of her mates was not so sober:O The poor lass was so desperate for the loo that Mrs P & another lass sheilded her whilst she took a leak in a doorway!! :o :^O
  7. Pyro

    Colgate and pile cream

    A guy got his Colgate toothpaste and pile cream mixed up..... He ended up with receding gums and a ring of confidence!
  8. Pyro

    Cookoo clock

    Nice one, Bud!! PMSL. Mrs Pyro is out with the girls in Manchester tonight and I am wondering what time she will get home! ]:)
  9. Pyro

    Useful Links

    If you are cheesed-off with the costs of 0870, 0845 and other similarly prefixed numbers so loved by Banks, British Gas, Farnell, CPC, etc., this site is useful in providing alternative direct numbers: and their search page:
  10. Pyro

    BT Phone Extensions - How Many?

    The number of telephone OUTLETS is not a problem for ringing; but 6 TELEPHONES is a problem in that the REN of 6 telephones will be at least 6, and the exchange's line equipment is only capable of driving ringers to a total of REN4. If you need to have 6 phones connected to the line, you are...
  11. Pyro

    Dangers of going to friends houses!

    Mate's rates & family freebies. Grrrr!! This happened last year: 'Er Indoors "army volunteered" me to move her bro's phone master socket and disconnect 2 wall lights for decorating. So far so good, no problems, work was a bit slack at the time. Three weeks later after the decorating was...
  12. Pyro

    Charity Advertising on a Yearplanner *SCAM BEWARE*

    Like you guys I have had a number of calls from these low-life scammers. There are 3 answers that I give, depending on the circumstances: 1. All our charity support is done directly with the charities concerned. 2. The telephone number you are using is registerd with telephone preference...
  13. Pyro

    Symbols or design software - Help

    You could adapt an electronics / circuit board package to do the job and there are a number of freebies around on the net. For schematics, you would need to create the electrical symbols yourself, as not many of the electronics symbols would be applicable to electrical installation work. This...
  14. Pyro

    Where are you?

    Hello Mr D, yes thanks, all is well now that the pressure is off a bit. WW, a good point, it is our forum and its success is up to us. Looking good so far! Cheers, Pyro.
  15. Pyro

    Where are you?

    After several days of early mornings and late nights and no time to get on t'internet (or visit the "other site"), I have finally got registered here. WW, I hope this will be a real winner for you! Pyro.