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  1. Dairyspark

    Follow on from new job

    So as I said in my previous post I've got a new job in the domestic region, having been on the more marine/industrial side of things I'm lacking in a few house bashing tools  so so could you find folk recommend a good: diamond core set anything you can think I might need as essentials 
  2. Dairyspark

    Finished my apprenticeship!

    The company I worked for were terrible, ive posted on here before about my "tradesman" and how he was only in the job because he was the boss's son/grandson. I've carried my self through my apprenticeship which make it even more of a proud moment, so the sector change came out of opportunity...
  3. Dairyspark

    New wiring regs

    April fools? Haha
  4. Dairyspark

    Finished my apprenticeship!

    Hello everyone.  So 5 years and 4 weeks later I have finally completed my apprenticeship ☺️ It has been filled with Apprentice of the year wins for my region and for Scotland, first and second year, a total change in the FICA test, and to top it all off, I have a new job to start on Monday...
  5. Dairyspark

    Regulations and updating

    Oh well I was half right haha ill take that as a small win
  6. Dairyspark

    Regulations and updating

    Hi all, I was having a discussion with a fellow colleague today and we got to talking about the regulations and he was saying that he didn't have to update his regulations qualification so to speak because once you've done it its valid, my argument was that since he completed his...
  7. Dairyspark

    Three Phase to Single Phase update to this haha, after some convincing he has agreed to fit a 3 phase board and let me do it the way I want. Yay!
  8. Dairyspark

    Three Phase to Single Phase

    Not without reconfiguring at the supply end as a good fireworks show lol Phase to phase and phase to neutral brown to black and blue to.....fffffff
  9. Dairyspark

    Three Phase to Single Phase

    No he isn't designing the installation, I've suggested that he keep it three phase but he doesn't want too, so I'm trying to think of future proofing solutions
  10. Dairyspark

    Three Phase to Single Phase

    The cable has only been rerouted at the user side, the hotel side is still configured for 3ph, I did suggest to the owner about keeping it 3 phase but he isn't caring about who moves into the place his exact words were "thats their problem not mine" 
  11. Dairyspark

    Three Phase to Single Phase

    So double live and double neutral sufficiently marked at both ends? lol also, will what at a glance looks like 25mm cables doubled up fit into DP isolator?
  12. Dairyspark

    Three Phase to Single Phase

    Hi everyone, wee question for you. my latest job entails converting a pub attached to a hotel into a beauty salon, the supply for the pub is fed from the hotel by the means of a 4 core swa which was fed 3 fuses which have now been removed and the cable rerouted. now my question is, as I only...
  13. Dairyspark

    Are Floor Sockets Allowed?

    Some people do lol
  14. Dairyspark

    Led dimmer

    Yeah I've just looked it is programmable but you can't get rid of the soft start, you can change it from trailing edge to leading edge and you can adjust the minimum brightness as well. They like the screwless flat plate look so I'm limited.
  15. Dairyspark

    Led dimmer

    I did lol I fitted a varilight v-pro led dimmer, but they don't like the soft start function, what I asked was do you know of a dimmer for LEDs without the soft start?  Thanks bobby 
  16. Dairyspark

    Led dimmer

    I did indeed
  17. Dairyspark

    Led dimmer

    Hello again everyone, long time no speak, hope everyone is well. I recently fitted down lights for a customer and they asked for a dimmer switch to go with it, I fitted a varilight led dimmer which has a soft start  feature, apparently they don't really like this and asked if i could fit a...
  18. Dairyspark

    Useless Purchase

    So I was looking through my big tool box at work and I came across a useless (sort of) purchase I made. 1KV insulated live working gloves and over gloves.. Bought them simply because I could, have touched a 230v live bus bar to try them out and that's it haha (awaiting the comments of...
  19. Dairyspark

    Rcd Testing

    Schneider Acti 9 80 Amp 4 Pole 30ma RCCB Installed for 6-8 months Wouldn't reset after tripping unless the it was given a smack, still got it at work I'll look for serial numbers etc tomorrow.
  20. Dairyspark

    Merry Christmas To All

    Aww hiy I like this