Oh I've seen you annoyed on here before And I was only stating that in the terms of the English language it's the same, I was getting at anyone lol......well sort of
And yeah I'll agree that escape routes have been neglected.
The lifeboats we work on are made of fibreglass (glass matting with...
I'm going to guess the middle 2 lol
And I understand that the term is defined as non combustible which conforms to the standard, however I was only stating that in the terms of the use of the word they are the same so no need to get annoyed at people for saying one or the other.
Yes in months...
Fireproof/non combustible are the same thing
Non Combustible: made of material that does not burn if exposed to fire
See also: incombustible
Fireproof: able to withstand fire or great heat
See also: Incombustible
Same thing.
I think a phone call to them would be a good idea, I knew about the vehicle insurance and I've already looked into insurances. It shall be a fun journey to see if it's worth doing or not :)
Haha no let me explain about the coastguard, I'm a paid search and rescue volunteer, so that counts as a 2nd job, my Self employedness would be me working for my self with multiple customers and most of the people I have worked for have just been home owners I've only worked for one business so far
At the moment I pay normal tax for my main job, and get taxed at higher rate for my 2nd job (coastguard) so would it be likely for them to take more tax from my main job instead of me separately paying tax? I think that's what your getting at.......I think.....its been a long day haha
Hi everyone,
I'm currently in full time employment, I also have a second job with HM Coastguard and I'm thinking of registering as a sole trader for when I do work on the side (to keep it all above board)
My question is this
Since I'm in full time employment, do I need to pay more national...
I would suggest your gonna experience the following possibilities lol Trunking, conduit, swa, rotary isolaters, 3 phase and single phase, rcbos, three phase mcbs.......dunno what else haha
Oh and possibly fixing to steel beams
SWA in top left was already there, the board was put in place 2 years ago (I think) and I didn't have enough time today to make it look better.
Each socket will be marked, I ran out of time, spent the first 2 hours of the day waiting to be allowed to turn it off lol.
The trunking was also at...