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  1. D

    Boosting battery charging by measuring when power goes to the Grid

    Hello everyone, This one is a little tricky and I don't know if it can actually be done but here goes! I have 21 panels in my solar installation but they have been split into two different arrays ( by the installer who insisted that it is better this way for redundancy) with 11 panels feeding...
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    Imeon and efficiently

    Hello everyone, My new battery bank (Pylontech) is performing well, they have levelled out and are charging and discharging as expected. With the onset of winter, I thought that I would adjust the settings on my Imeon hybrid inverter to boost the charge during off-peak times to re-utilise...
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    Adding Addition Batteries

    Hello everyone, I live in France and my installation is now two years old so I am getting to grips with what I actually bought, what I thought I was buying, how it actually works and how I can improve it! Wow! I have 21 panels in total split between an Imeon Inverter with a Pylontech 2.4KWH...
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    I am perhaps looking for the impossible or, if not impossible, a system that would be too expensive to ever give a return on the investment. I am connected to the grid and, with my 21 panels I produce more electricity over the year than I use (or I think I do based on forecasts). I have a 3kW...
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    Hello from France

    Hello, New member from the Rhône-Alpes region in France. I have had a solar array of 21 panels for a few months now with two circuits, one through an Imeon hybrid inverter feeding a 3kw battery and the second via Enphase micro inverters going directly to the house. All excess goes to the...