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  1. P

    Advanced Electrical Installation by Trevor Linsley anybody have a copy to sell?

    As the title says, I'm after a copy of the 5th edition (not the latest 6th edition which is aimed at 2357). We are doing 2330 level 3 and have been asked to obtain a copy. Not even Amazon stocks this version any more. I was wondering if anybody had a copy they be happy to sell? Thanks in...
  2. P

    Suprised that UK Gov no longer wants people to retrain as Sparks

    Yep sussex coast college 2 year course in one year just finished 205 exam so that's the course completed. One thing I forgot to gripe about, City & guilds not allowing a review of the past paper & everybody in the room at the same time sitting a different paper. We had a student fail...
  3. P

    Suprised that UK Gov no longer wants people to retrain as Sparks

    I decided last year to join 2330 course at local college as an adult learner, effectively retraining to a new career. I was told I would have to complete 2330 parts 2 & 3 which would take 2 years. Half way through part 2 we were informed that the government was scrapping 2330 type courses...
  4. P

    Hi there

    Just about to complete 2330 part 2 last exam on 30th June. Must state how poor teaching quality has become since I left school. My class has a large proportion of "adult learners" and we were surprised by the "handing out photocopies" method of teaching. Classrooms full of "smart-screens" never...