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  1. A

    radiator heat

    Many of my radiators are hotter at the outlet pipe than the inlet. I suspect the obvious...they are "ass first"...could ther be another reason thanks ainz
  2. A

    radiator heat

    Many of my radiators are hotter at the outlet pipe than the inlet. I suspect the obvious...they are "ass first"...could ther be another reason thanks ainz
  3. A

    Hello to our New Members...

    hello, not a tradesman, but a man with a house that was "diy-ed" by previous owners. I would rather understand as much as I can about a problem, before calling in the cavalry, A) cos I might be able to remedy it, and B) I might deter the bandits thanks ainz
  4. A

    Hello to our New Members...

    hello, not a tradesman, but a man with a house that was "diy-ed" by previous owners. I would rather understand as much as I can about a problem, before calling in the cavalry, A) cos I might be able to remedy it, and B) I might deter the bandits thanks ainz