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  1. T

    Rewirable fuse board question

    I think it should be fine then, there was about a 2mm gap between the carrier and the socket, I think i'm prob just being over cautious. I think I need to overcome thinking about every miniscule 'potential fault' I see... sending myself crazy over nothing probably. Cheers again
  2. T

    Rewirable fuse board question

    Thanks all, and cheers for the warm welcome. To intro myself, im a 28 year old 'improver', currently working on minor works and assisting sparks when they need me. As i'm still fairly new to the game, I only do work i'm comfortable with & rewirable boards i'm not really familiar with apart...
  3. T

    Rewirable fuse board question

    Hi, First post here so hello to any readers! Just wanted a quick confirmation about a rewirable fuse board, as this has been nagging me. I was at a house earlier & noticed one of the fuses had the 2 dots on the opposite side to the rest of the fuses. Is this ok? Can you actually put a...