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  1. M

    RCBO reverse polarity

    Thanks Badger.... Just the answer I was looking for Knew it was something small and simple I appreciate your help.
  2. M

    RCBO reverse polarity

    Using Crabtree Starbreaker board and RCBO's I have connected the N to the port to the back which has the N flylead next to it, as this is how all other RCBO set ups have been laid out when I checked. I notice that someone else has said earlier that Crabtree ones are the other way round...
  3. M

    RCBO reverse polarity

    The main tails into the CU are connected correctly. It's a split load, and all other circuits on the RCD side are reading correct polarity. The actual circuit neutral ends are terminated in the RCBO itself, the flyleads are connected to the neutral bar. It's almost like something is not...
  4. M

    RCBO reverse polarity

    Hi I'm a first time poster. I've just installed RCBO protected circuits for the first time. I have connected the RCBO's in the CU. I have connected the N and functional earthing wires to the relevant bars. The circuits are giving me reversed polarity at each socket on the ring. But when the...