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  1. H

    Lighting Circuits

    Thanks guys for all the info. I will try all suggested and let you know. Just getting used to the forum will be better next time. Cheers
  2. H

    Lighting Circuits

    Thanks for this Doc and K. Good thoughts and makes it clear the switch is the sensible route. I assumed that if one set of lights worked from the total switch it meant the switch was working for both sets but obviously one switch may be work and the the other not, so I will swap or change...
  3. H

    Lighting Circuits

    Thanks for this. My skill level is reasonable as I am training at the moment. However the dimmer switch works on 1 set of lights but not the other so i am assuming that the transformer for one set of lights could have blown so it is a good idea to try the standard 2 gangway. BTW it is one...
  4. H

    Lighting Circuits

    Thanks Doc H It is multiple cables from one MCB I will look at switch and the lightmate look a good idea.
  5. H

    Lighting Circuits

    Hi All, I have a problem with downlighter circuits. 9 down lights on one MCB but 2 circuits on one double dimmer switch. One circuit is not working the other is and the switch is working. Have check wiring at consumer unit and switch nothing loose,next stage would be look at each downlighter...
  6. H

    New Qualified

    Hi All, New qualified domestic electrical installer looking forward to the challenges ahead and some help from the forum!!