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  1. W

    35kW PV array - best arrangement

    All depends upon location, topography, elevatio, altitude etc etc, there is no rule of thumb, you have to caclulate every site based on it's specific conditions.
  2. W

    35kW PV array - best arrangement

    We would have kept all the strings connected to one MPPtracker on one side, simply beacsue it makes good, logical design sense. However as they are actually arranged pointing south at the same angle of elevation, so the east west 'tilt' will have an insignificant impact on the performance. If...
  3. W

    Managing and using your generated power - a whacky idea?

    The Arduino and RPi projects are excellent solutions - see also and the stuff on there about controlling an immersion. Wondered if anyone here had looked at the ImmerSUN - a commercial product that is affordable and fully proportional, i.e only uses the...