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  1. S

    How to, Underground cable joint

    Hi there and thanks for an informative thread !! I too have had the misfortune to have to carry out a number of underground cable joints and yes why on earth are the cases so b****y small !!! One thing I don't like about the kits you are using in the photos is that the constant pressure spring...
  2. S


    Hi there, I'm a confirmed "Megger" man, have been for years. However I'm old fashioned in that I always use singles. They do fail and have to be replaced/repaired from time-to-time and I always thought that if a Multi-function tester develops a fault you lose all testing capability until it is...
  3. S

    Hi Fellas

    Just joined the Forum, some good information in here, hope I can contribute something positive !!! Been doing this 30 years but never too old to learn more !!! Steve C.