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  1. D

    Heating Won't Come On

    Indeed, many lessons learned. The trouble was, when I set out to do this, I had only a basic idea of how the system worked in terms of the wiring and the only way I could operate really was by trial and error and by taking the advice from each of you on this forum. I love a bit of DIY and I'm...
  2. D

    Heating Won't Come On

    Sorry not to have replied to all your posts sooner - I've had a mental couple of days in work and haven't even been near a laptop. Anyway, thank you all again for your time and efforts. It is very difficult at times, as I'm sure you'll appreciate, to communicate quite what I'm...
  3. D

    Heating Won't Come On

    Thank you Doc and Steptoe. I know what you mean about the wire colourings. Also, I take the point about the possibility of there being old/different programmers / stats on the system, but I do know that these are the original and only programmer, stats, boiler and system set up. I think my...
  4. D

    Heating Won't Come On

    Ha, ha - I did break out the colours to draw myself a little diagram just to try and saturate a few things. Yes, 99.99% sure it's Y-plan - Have looked at lots of bumf and info. Looked at fully pumped systems with and without pump overrun - this appears to be the latter. What I really don't get...
  5. D

    Heating Won't Come On

    Programmer is a Honeywell ST699B. Wiring is as follows, as per Honeywell's own wiring guide:  (Link L-5-8) 7 = H/W off, 6 = H/W on, 3 = C/H on, 2 = N and 1= L. I have checked this at the house and all is as it should be. Have not yet had opportunity to check if all go to correct terminals at...
  6. D

    Heating Won't Come On

    Thanks special location. Very detailed and useful (once I get my head around all that) . I have uploaded a photo and labelled to show what I think is going on. I know I am making a lot of guesses (some educated, most not!) as to what is what here. But there are few things that just don't look...
  7. D

    Heating Won't Come On

    Just been to the house quickly on my way to work. Wired direct to 'call for heat' from programmer - same repeated clicking noise coming from actuator. Opened the housing and could see the spring /arm just twitching back and fore. Clicking seemed to be comming from microswitches, so just touched...
  8. D

    Heating Won't Come On

    Thanks Onoff. That'll defo come in handy. Yes, the frost is a worry, though I have found that I can get the heating on as long as water is on. Didn't think to mention that before. Does that spark any ideas as to the problem??
  9. D

    Heating Won't Come On

    Thanks. That's all really good advice and I'll give it a try. I am quite competent with these things, once directed by kind folk such as yourself. It's in my nature, if you know what I mean. Not a silly question at all and the answer is I don't know. All I know is that when I came to give the...
  10. D

    Heating Won't Come On

    Onoff - I can take photos and post, but won't get back to the house for a few days because of work commitments. Hi, Steve - all wiring seems to be in place, but don't know how to check how most of it in the back of programmer is connected at the other end. I am learning as I go, I'm afraid. I...
  11. D

    Heating Won't Come On

    Hi, Yes - 1 programmer, 1 room stat, 1 cylinder stat, 1 3 port valve and 1 BIG headache... Lever is on auto. Room stat is old (not digital), but can hear the click to indicate call - have check common and switch lives at both the junction box and room stat terminals. Yes the white wire from...
  12. D

    Heating Won't Come On

    Thanks, I'll give it a go. Cheers for the link.
  13. D

    Heating Won't Come On

    Hi, A bit of a long story, but I'll try to be brief. My father passed away earlier this year and I have been dealing with his estate/house etc. acting as executor. Recently discovered that boiler won't fire up / come on with call for heat, but will with call for H/W. Immediately thought that...