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  1. V

    Phase Rotation

    It is a new installation certificate. Few sub contractors have installed new lighting circuits in that DB and I was testing them, but of course at page number 3 ( schedule of item inspected) the box verification of phase sequence need to be ticked, what do I need to put in that box if the...
  2. V

    Phase Rotation

    I am going to investigate tomorrow, I have noticed other 2 DB was the same. Can I still sign the certificate with that problem?
  3. V

    Phase Rotation

    Does it definitely from wrong connection or could be from something else?
  4. V

    Phase Rotation

    Hi I was wondering if someone help me with this please. I have my 2394/95 recently. I was testing a industrial DB today and phase rotation at main switch was anti clock wise which is wrong. The board is sub main from main board and plant room. Why is wrong and is there any other reason it...