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  1. S

    Wiring for outside lights

    Evening chaps. So I connected both wires as directed and we're in business.  Thanks for everyone's support. You've helped me out as the misses was starting to give me grief about getting these lights hooked up.
  2. S

    Wiring for outside lights

    Forgot to mention that the three interior lights are also controlled from another switch on the other side of the room.
  3. S

    Wiring for outside lights

    Yep, just one cable for each. Right, I'll give that a go tomorrow then. Thanks again all. Will report back once done.
  4. S

    Wiring for outside lights

    Tell me about it. First time I opened it up, took one look at all that and closed it up again. Thabks for the guidance. However, there are two unconnected brown wires, one top left and the other on the right. Do they both go into L1?
  5. S

    Wiring for outside lights

    The builder has it. Said he'll drop it round when he's passing. What should I be looking out for? It was an proper electrician that did all the wiring.
  6. S

    Wiring for outside lights

    Sorry for the delay chaps. The better half had taken command of the laptop. Thanks also to the admin who allowed me to upload the photos.
  7. S

    Wiring for outside lights

    Haha. Overall they were good builders, but I had a few gripes with some of their work. Ended up holding back some of the cash as they weren't able to rectify the work. That reminds me, I need to chase up the builder for the completion documents. Haven't done so just yet as Building Control...
  8. S

    Wiring for outside lights

    Thanks chaps. That's a ****** about the photos. It's a bit convoluted, in that we aren't on the best terms with our builder (who finished the job back in December). So getting the spark back around might prove difficult.
  9. S

    Wiring for outside lights

    Hi there This is my first post on here as I need some advice. Apologies in advance if this is the wrong forum. Essentially, we've had some work done which included installation of three interior down lights and two exterior light. Both of which are controlled by a double switch. Because we...