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  1. M

    incomplete certification

    Reverting on the various comments - I contracted a builder to modernize a period house - he was a friend and had done earlier refurb jobs in the past. But he turned out to be bad news - burned through the funds without completing most of the contract, got me to pay substantially more, didn't...
  2. M

    incomplete certification

    I have the electrician's phone, have called / texted him to get the certificatin. He has gone AWOL... not sure how to bring him back. The dispute with builder was due to substantial overrun of cost and time and for not completing the contrac. It led to my sending builder a'breah of contract'...
  3. M

    incomplete certification

    I've been having my house refurbushed by a builder, who also did re-wiring of the house.  He was using an electrician for the electrics, who tested did the wiring, tested it, fixed faults etc.  He was due to give an electric certificate in one last visit, but a dispute with builder took place...