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  1. P

    What is this and how does it work?

    Thank you so much everyone. I shall try all suggestions and post back tomorrow. I'm bowled over by everyone's kindness in replying thankyou x
  2. P

    What is this and how does it work?

    So sorry its upside down but at least I managed to resize it.  :Blushing
  3. P

    What is this and how does it work?

    It appears I now can attach a file but only 0.49mb in size. Even lowest camera setting gives too many MB at present.  Thanks everyone for your fast replies. I will persevere til I can find a way to get a photo on. Til then I don't want to waste anyone's time. X 
  4. P

    What is this and how does it work?

    Yes I've done so. There is an odd looking fuse with lights and dials on it. I'm sure it's some sort of control but I can't find anything even remotely similar on Google which is why I thought I'd ask here. Unfortunately I don't have any option to attach files at the mo. Guess I'm too new .
  5. P

    What is this and how does it work?

    And I don't appear to be able to add the photo I took either which defeats the object of asking the question. 
  6. P

    What is this and how does it work?

    Hi all. So I've moved into a new house via a repossession so can't ask old owner anything and estate agents don't know either. My problem is ignorance I'm afraid. I think I have underfloor heating installed. The estate agent said so. There is a fuse in every room. I've turned them all on but...