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  1. V

    LED cabinet lights going out

    Many thanks to all for your responses. I have decided to order a couple of lamps that includes a new driver with it. If I get nine years out of those like the last set then I'll be happy. Cheers.
  2. V

    LED cabinet lights going out

    I don't have a means of measuring voltage. Could I leave one of the lamps unplugged at a time to see if the fault only occurs with one of them?
  3. V

    LED cabinet lights going out

    This shows how the lamps are connected.
  4. V

    LED cabinet lights going out

    Thanks again. The lights and driver are the originals and were supplied together as a package. I have a photo of the driver specs that I have tried to attach but apparently I can only do that after 10 posts! Some thank you posts coming up so that I can then add it! Thanks. Thanks.
  5. V

    LED cabinet lights going out

    Thanks Andy and Murdoch for your replies. The driver sits on top of the cabinet and gets plenty of air around it. After the lights cut off I felt it and it was hot but not so hot you couldn't hold on to it. Do you know of any reputable mail order suppliers I can get a replacement from?
  6. V

    LED cabinet lights going out

    I have some LED lights in a glazed kitchen cupboard that were fitted 9 years ago as part of a kitchen supplied by Homebase. The lights have started cutting out some 20 minutes or so after being switched on but if switched off they will then come back on again for another 20 minutes before...