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  1. B

    Board change help

    I totally agree. But what do you do when the supply is from 6A lighting returning via 20A kitchen radial?
  2. B

    Board change help

    I think you are missing the point, the client is advised it needs fixing, but they don't want to fix it. So should do the rewire for free, leave it tripping or do a work around? Life is not black and white, there is no right or wrong answer. As for cost, it is a balance, lots of unqualified...
  3. B

    TV arial

    First of all I doubt it will be less than 90 mins. £50 for materials, then his liability and van insurance, plus van running costs, then income tax on the rest... you have a fair price!
  4. B

    Board change help

    It was to keep the cost down, client is selling the house. I didn't bother trying to catch the leakage, it tripped on switch on. When I took the 2 gang light switch off, it was powered by a spur on the switch with a FCU under the cabinet with different wiring, so obviously a borrowed neutral...
  5. B

    Board change help

    I did a board change last week. Customer already had an EICR with remedial work needed, but he had struggled to get them back. I repeated the tests and found that the high Zs was down to the TNS earthing conductor not being connected to the MET and not poor wiring. Also found 2.5mm2 radial in...
  6. B

    1970s fuseboard advice

    I am really grateful to everyone on the Forum for their advice. I watched John Ward's video and he concluded that they are no better or worse than anything else out there. I did take the cover off and search for a 6mm radial on one of the 30 amp circuits, but couldn't identify it. Went back on...
  7. B

    1970s fuseboard advice

    That's great thanks! At 50 years old I would be thinking to advise that while I can fit the oven (with a local isolator) they should be replaced as their correct operation cannot be guaranteed? Fuse wire is fuse wire, it will always work, but could you have any confidence in these? Or install an...
  8. B

    1970s fuseboard advice

    Went on a griefy job today, simple oven swap but couldn't isolate circuit as no labels, or supply because owner was on a video call. Also no local isolator for the oven. Anyway, would appreciate some advice on this relic. Are they plug in BS 3036 replacements? Can I just pull them out? What era...
  9. B

    Plastic gas pipe to buried metal pipe...

    Thanks Andy, I will go around tomorrow and measure it. I found this article that explains what is considered dangerous...
  10. B

    Plastic gas pipe to buried metal pipe...

    Good point thanks binky, I didn't think about the boiler having its own bonding anyway.
  11. B

    Plastic gas pipe to buried metal pipe...

    I have a question which hopefully more experienced Sparkys can help me with. A gas supply comes to the meter in plastic at the client's property. Then of course goes to copper. The gas pipe used to run under a suspended floor which has now been filled in with floor screed, apparently the gas...
  12. B

    3kW heater - 2.5mm T+E - 32A MCB?

    I agree with mort2376, I would swap over the MCB to 25A which would probably function ok at 3kw. Alternatively, run 2.5mm T&E between the two outlets and turn it into a ring or finally, split into 2 circuits at 16A each. But I wouldn't leave it as it is.
  13. B

    3 live wires from socket RCD

    32A is standard protecton for a ring circuit, radial circuits should have 20A protection. This is to protect the wires. The ring circuit will be 2 sets of 2.5mm wires which together, are rated higher than 32A. Single 2.5mm twin and earth on a radial circuit is rated higher than 20A. The problem...
  14. B

    power supply 4.5v like for like?

    You can try they have adapters with sets of different plugs, however 4.5V is not that common so it may require a new set of lights.