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  1. M

    Need some advice on solar gear

    Do you mean PSU or electric providers?
  2. M

    Need some advice on solar gear

    As you can see below, this is my energy usage for the last 33days. One to look at is mains 1 for the total per month. The Main PC uses the most and is just my PC usage. Ignore mains 2. I have energy monitors on all of my sockets that i want to track.
  3. M

    Need some advice on solar gear

    I already have a UPS (EATON ECO 1600) setup for my mini PCs, so I guess it's just the inverter and panel then. I'd need an inverter that can pull both solar and mains at the same time that has options to keep the mains power at say 80% charge but keep solar charging when it can. Or something...
  4. M

    Need some advice on solar gear

    Hmmmm, I've already reduced everything to as low as I can. Turning PC off at night, turning appliances off, unplugging things I don't use often. putting my PC into energy-saving options, using a low-powered GPU for general gaming instead of my 4090 (I have a high-end PC) But still, use around...
  5. M

    Need some advice on solar gear

    I already have an energy monitor and my entertainment system uses around 200KWH a month. That includes my PC, TV, 2 mini PCs, 2 fans, speakers, router, Pi4, water cooling bed cover (I get hot at night :D) My estate agents are already breathing down our necks as, as a household, we are using...
  6. M

    Need some advice on solar gear

    that sounds more like a system that would be tied into the grid and I rent in a shared house. So can't do any alterations to the building and such. I'm just looking for something I can hang out my window and have setup in my room :D
  7. M

    Need some advice on solar gear

    Yeah, i guess i'm looking for something that can switch between them that has options of what has priority and at what power lvl the battery starts taking mains power while still accepting solar. I realise that solar wouldn't fill the battery as I'm on my PC from around 12pm till after sunset...
  8. M

    Need some advice on solar gear

    Hello, It's for a PC with a 4090. I'm looking to supplement the power, i want a battery that would allow solar input to reduce the amount of power coming out of the wall, but that would switch over to mains power when 1 solar output reduces and or when the battery gets to a set power lvl while...
  9. M

    Need some advice on solar gear

    Hello all, I would like to lower the amount of juice my PC uses from the mains and have been looking at placing a solar pannel (Just 100W) outside my window. I have one of those slanted ground floor sticking out windows below my room and the slanted roof is at a 50/60 degree slant, and I get...