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  1. O

    Solar setup

    Really looking for the best wiring schematic that is most efficient AND safe! Have two 12 Volt acid lead batteries which if I'm not mistaken should run parallel. The two 400 watt panels and want to make sure I have those tied together and am wiring them correctly.
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    Solar setup

    Already have a 60 amp MrPower MPPT
  3. O

    Solar setup

    Solar setup best configuration for 2 400 watt solar panels 4000 watt 48 volt inverter , 60 amp MPPT Controler and 2 lead acid batteries.Series or Parallel.
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    LIving in a field!

    Semi retieed developing my own power sources using solar and wind turbine power as I develop the property. Really want to make sure I do it efficiently as well as safely. I'm a rookie for sure so would grateful for any sharing of knowledge.