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  1. M

    2330/206 Exam

    Thanks soo much guys, Gives me the info I need to swot up on the connections and the SWA etc, always makes me think... Just one follow on question - the '206 paperwork' <- didnt know there was any... please explain :( Thanks again for your advice, Si
  2. M

    2330/206 Exam

    Hi, New to the site but my 2330/206 is coming up soon and just wondered if anyone knew what the installation is that we will be asked to do +any pointers/Do's and Don'ts would be a great help. Cheers ;)
  3. M

    C&G 2330 206 Practical Exam, BLANK PAPERWORK - Level 2...

    Swindon Massive has plenty of revision questions to go through. Scroll to the bottom of the page - very helpful for exams.