2 Port Valves

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Aug 31, 2009
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I need to zone the heating of my house.

I want the main house to be controlled separately from the outhouse using the same boiler.

I was told to T off the flow and install two 2 port valves. The first for the main house and the second for the outhouse.

Does this mean that the boiler is left in the on position and the room stats control the 2 port valves??


the room stat (and/or programmer) would turn a valve on, and this would then turn the boiler on. both valves would have an input to the boiler

may be easier using a 3 port valve instead though

if i use a 3 port valve, would i still be able to have both area working at the same time?
Yes. 3 port valves are often used to control heating/hot water which regularly need to be running at the same time.

Generally 2 port valves are used on more complicated and bigger systems. 3 port valves are used on smaller installations that require seperate hw and ch.

along similar lines honeywell say y plans are only suitable up to 36kW.

Assuming that you already have a Y plan system with a 2 ch timer and a 3 port valve (you don't actually say what system you currently have), then I would say you need to be converting it to an "S Plan Plus" with a 3 ch timer and 3x 2 port valves.

Go to the Honeywell site downloads page and download Wiring Guide Issue 14 and you will see the differences between the plans and how they are used.

I find 2 port valves much easier.... and IMO Honeywell ones are the best!
agree and don't fit those cheap copies on ebay dam you'll be back in a month


Go for 2 port valves on all zones,very easy to wire, all in parallel, but you might need a bypass valve for the boiler overun, this is to allow the boiler to cool down when no demand, if you try to wire a 2 port with an existing 3 port one of the 3 port outlets will be open heating that zone when no demand is required. you will have to let us know what the setup is.

