2391 Mistake - 9th June

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Well-known member
May 19, 2009
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Did anybody who took the C&G2391 on Thursday 9th June notice the mistake on the exam paper?

It had me scratching my head a little in the exam, trying to work out the exact column on the schedule of test results where the abbreviations go.

It was the question relating to the plastic containment system in a day care centre. The second part of the question basically read.

Explain the meaning and reason for the following items on the schedule of test results.

1) X

2) N/A

3) LIM

It really threw me and I lost at lest 15 minutes going through each column on the schedule of test results.

I thought it was a trick question, but in the end came to the conclusion it was just wrong and noted down it was wrong on my paper.


N/A= Not applicable


Think they are self explanitory what they mean on a schedule of test results.

They are not on the schedule of test results, they are on the schedule of inspections!!

And the test results too,

ie, no continuity on ring circuit could be put down as X

No RCD required would be N/A in the time column

Not testing L-N IR would be LIM if agreed with the customer.

Oh dear, never mind. It was part b of an inspection question referring to a plastic containment system, maybe it was thrown in to confuse, which it did. They are pretty good at that!!

And the test results too,ie, no continuity on ring circuit could be put down as X

No RCD required would be N/A in the time column

Not testing L-N IR would be LIM if agreed with the customer.
N/A can be used for ring continuity column on a radial circuit.

Where there are 4 columns for insulation resistance L-L, L-N. N-E and L-E when testing a single phase circuit on a 3 phase DB L-L there is no value and is not used.

Lim can also be used when circuits can not be isolated to obtain a R1+R2 value if agreed with the customer.

This is just a couple more the list can be endless.

It was a periodic scenario so yes I can see it now, if it was an initial verification you would not have any of the X, N/A or Lim in the schedule of test results.

Two part question, the first part asked for what inspection checks were to be made to a plastic containment system, conduit and trunking.

Second part what does X, N/A and Lim mean on a Schedule of Test Results.

I was still in inspection mode after describing the checks in part a and was still on the schedule of inspections sheet in my head, so the wording "Schedule of Test Results" on the second part really threw me! All I could see in my head was the "note:" section at the bottom of the schedule of inspections sheet.

I really don't want to sit that again! Some of the people in the exam were on their 4th sitting! The rest of the exam seemed pretty harmless, but I know it can go downhill pretty fast if you miss a few bits of essential information off. There were no diagrams, but instead asked for a description of an IR test and a confirmation of the continuity of a main protective bonding conductor test.

After doing a quite a few mock exams and quite a lot of studying, they can still throw a curved ball at you!!! 42 days left for the results to come back!! I just hope I please Mr NAPIT!!

I also sat the 2391 last week does anyone know how many marks you need for a pass ?

Yea it'a 95 marks out of a possible 135 and it takes 45 days to get the marks back so looking towards the end of July. Good luck mate!

When i did mine last year we were told it's at least 100 marks out of a possible 150 for a pass.

Possible 60 marks for first part and possible 90 for second part.

I tallied mine up after the exam the following day and i reckoned i got about 110-120 marks and passedGuinness
