3036 fuses and PFC

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Junior Member
Jul 9, 2008
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Hi folks, first timer on here, its a good forum, plenty of knowledgeable peeps.

Anyway, with regards to 3036 fuses, they have either 1, 2 or 4 kA breaking capacity depending on their type. Not got OSG to hand but if I recall correctly it depends whether they are of the type; 1SA, 2SA or 4SA.

I have seen plenty of 3036 fuses from innumerable db's but never noticed anything indicating a 'type'.

Just thinking about it with regards to PIR's, cos if you had a PFC of 1.2kA then would require type 2SA minimum.

Thanks, Neil

Hi again Apache, I have put a bit on the introduce yaself section. Not much though mate!! Im not boring, honest!!

Hi folks, first timer on here, its a good forum, plenty of knowledgeable peeps.Anyway, with regards to 3036 fuses, they have either 1, 2 or 4 kA breaking capacity depending on their type. Not got OSG to hand but if I recall correctly it depends whether they are of the type; 1SA, 2SA or 4SA.

I have seen plenty of 3036 fuses from innumerable db's but never noticed anything indicating a 'type'.

Just thinking about it with regards to PIR's, cos if you had a PFC of 1.2kA then would require type 2SA minimum.

Thanks, Neil
S1A = 1kA

S2A = 2kA

S4A = 4kA

And welcome :)

Cheers Robojin.

May have explained it badly. I realise S1A is 1kA etc....What I want to know is if you had a handful of 3036 fuses how can you tell which type they are?? I have never noticed anything on them to indicate a type. All they seem to have is the colour coding and current rating.


Cheers Robojin.May have explained it badly. I realise S1A is 1kA etc....What I want to know is if you had a handful of 3036 fuses how can you tell which type they are?? I have never noticed anything on them to indicate a type. All they seem to have is the colour coding and current rating.

i have asked the exact same question on here B4 mate but all i got was the same useless answer as you have above. There was also an article in a connections magazine by the NICIEC but this still didnot get answered.

Why does noone know this? hunderds of PIR certs must be filled in everyday with 3036 fuses in and a column for the KA rating, so what should we put down? are they safe in a house with 3Ka PSCC?????

i have asked the exact same question on here B4 mate but all i got was the same useless answer as you have above. There was also an article in a connections magazine by the NICIEC but this still didnot get answered.Why does noone know this? hunderds of PIR certs must be filled in everyday with 3036 fuses in and a column for the KA rating, so what should we put down? are they safe in a house with 3Ka PSCC?????
I know I'm useless please don't rub it in Blushing:O

Thanks Tesla, Hornet, Robo.

The Volti link looks a good starting point and I have saved the doc to look at tomoro as its Friday nite and I want BEER!!

Thanks again all for input

Regards, Neil

Maybe we all need to go on a C&G3036 course to identify them!! :^O :^O

That would be mint; a cert in protective device identification! Its what I dream about!

Another point worth a mention each holder has to have a manufactures mark to denote its properties, it was made a legal requirment after 1957 I think but I am only going off memory, and dementia is creeping up fast.

This came up in my niceic assessment, the 'examiners' answer was only experience can help you identify which is which. But if no-one knows the answer how do you get the experience???

Tell them all fuses used where SA2's unless they required over 30 amps, the assesors I have had are younger than me and can read books and pass exams but know jack all about installing.

To be perfectly honest the most common and the ones you will often find in domestic intallations are the SA2's

ive never seen a wylex fuse carrier with anything but the amperage written on it
