'aint It Funny How Time Slips Away ?

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Evans Electric

Supporting Member
Sep 15, 2008
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Just watching Elvis on Channel 5  , The '68 Comeback TV Special .

OMG  I was working in Liverpool when it was screened , we found a pub in the city with a TV and 300 Scouser Elvis fans ...good times man  .... Scousers were always friendly .      We had to play football against the pipe fitters every day ...alright Lah we're Liverpool  you're The Villa ..OK soft lad .

We were there for New year , I remember we were supposed to go to some club , asked directions around 10.00 pm  and set off , four of us in a saloon , after 20 mins we're out on a dual carriageway somewhere ,   50mph  , a face appears upside down , looks in at us and taps the windscreen .    Pulling over , the guy who gave directions climbs off the roof rack , thanks us for the lift and walks off  with us lot gaping after him and leaving us to return to the city .

Another memory was about 2 weeks later we worked & slept on the job until finally going home about 9.00 on a Sunday night , tired , hungry  ,nackered , when we spot a chippy open on the East Lancs road ,     best fish  & chips ever .

Deke has left the building .

Pink Floyd, Dark Side of the Moon - "Time"

"Ten years have got behind you, no one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun......"

something like that.

But yes, I know what you mean, a couple of years ago, we brought home a bouncing baby boy of 7lb 6 oz.......

it feels that way but on 10th Jan that day will be 29 years ago!

You said it Revo ,    I always think time turns slowly until you leave school , then it starts to accelerate. 

To quote your song analogy  ..."Cats in the Cradle "  Johnny Cash .

I didn't notice time passing by until my little boy was born. Seems like yesterday, but he's 21 months on Sunday

Now, I have no spare time whatsoever. I could do with a 26 hour day and 8 day week. Although, it feels like I'm doing that much already.
Sometimes I think you have to make the effort to alter the way things are going as we all get swept along , especially in our trade , with jobs that have to be finished on time ,  jobs running over , dashing about like theres no tomorrow . 

Pickle , your post reminded me of back in the day as another firm .   About 12 sparks & 2 apprentii , always busy - busy, my mate always complained about one of the guys , " Hes a good Sparks but will never work Saturdays...drives me mad"     

Thing was , thats when he made time for his son , football season , took him to every Birmingham City match   ( Well someone had to go :C ) 

But it was to with priorities , as he said to me .... this time will soon be gone , he'll grow up and won't want to go with his Dad anymore.  

I don't work weekends for this reason, If the money was good or the work was technically challenging then I would consider it but otherwise strictly family time.

My Dad worked away a lot when I was a kid and as a result we have a difficult relationship I don't want this for my children.

When they are teenagers I'll be down the mines or on an oil rig :slap


I worked for ECC quarries in the SW in the 80's. Worked 6-6 most days 7-4 sat and 7-12 sunday. So sunday afternoons I found out I had 2 young boys, one newborn and one about 18 months. Never saw them during the week as they were in bed by the time I got home.

However, someone had to put a roof over their heads and in those days you didnt get your crap wages topped up just because you had kids so you had to work all hours to make ends meet!

After a while we relocated back to North wales and worked for DNO on 37 hrs a week. Money was less but mortgage was less too so all was well and I saw more of the family.

Life is a balancing act at times but perspective is needed

This is the very reason I went back to being SE, 

I can have a half day for my son's nativity,

Start a bit later so I can take him to school, finish a bit earlier so I can pick him up from school, have a long weekend away with the family,

Yep, I'll never be a millionaire with the hours I work,


I will be very very rich, :D

I have always been a "work to live" person, not live to work.

I even had an embarrassing conversation with a previous boss when I tried to negotiate that instead of having an annual cash bonus (that the tax man took 40% of) that I instead had an increased annual holiday allowance. To say it got a frosty reception is an understatement, and the tax man got his 40% of my bonus as usual.

That really is the No 1 benefit of SE, more control over your hours. So I have seen my daughter grow up etc, and I'm proud to say the first real word we heard her say was "daddy"

When my daughter was little the most annoying shift that I used to work was 22:30 to 08:30.... I'd get home at maybe 08:55 which was just 5 mins after my daughter had left for school,,,,, that was really annoying

I'm self employed now so I can theoretically take whatever time off that I'd like
