Any Good Electrician Agency In Birmingham?

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Try all the usual suspects mate, the likes of Caval, rullion, Hayes, park wood, bms, nrl

Be prepared to be constantly chasing them about work your interested in, get told you've got 3 months on a job to arrive on site and find out there's 3 weeks work if that oh and rules for agency workers chance on April 5th which means you can no longer be cis self employed via an agency

Government legislation change, its flase self employment and they are losing too much tax so are closing the loopholes and making it paye only for agency workers.

its a move to get rid of these umbrella companies

Hallo folks.

Can anyone advice any good agency for electrician in Birmingham. 

In my opinion there is no such thing as a "good" agency .           

 You must mean someone with no qualifications or tools, who sits on his ass in a nice warm office while you put a shift in at a freezing cold building site or a filthy dirty factory .

Like when they said self employed people could not work for one company, made no difference.
Well who knows if this one will make a difference or not but best to give the OP a heads up as to what's going on as it could possibly just end up another way for agencies to drive rates down even further

Odd really because lots of people are self employed and not in construction, take celebs all are self employed and work through agents, a lot of pilots are SE, however the report says that its the PAYE National Insurance Employee and Employer that the government are losing out on.

So why is they always swoop on construction workers, I think they think we are all being paid cash and working flat out.


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