Any UFO spottings on the Forum ?
This is mine for what its worth . This was some years ago by the way and I was sober.
Its not often we get a clear sky over the city , plus theres lots of light pollution but one dark night , 11.30 ish , clear sky, I drive down the deserted gully that accesses all the garages at the rear of our properties away from street lamps. I'll post a pic to give you the idea.
I get out of the car to open garage doors and notice a very bright light , is it Venus , is it the police helicopter , I wonder .
Put car in garage ,come out to close doors and take another look .
As I'm looking it starts to move but with extremely fast acceleration getting faster all the time , moving behind trees but at a bewildering speed and then it was gone it seconds . Light was above the green garage and moved right to left.
This is mine for what its worth . This was some years ago by the way and I was sober.
Its not often we get a clear sky over the city , plus theres lots of light pollution but one dark night , 11.30 ish , clear sky, I drive down the deserted gully that accesses all the garages at the rear of our properties away from street lamps. I'll post a pic to give you the idea.
I get out of the car to open garage doors and notice a very bright light , is it Venus , is it the police helicopter , I wonder .
Put car in garage ,come out to close doors and take another look .
As I'm looking it starts to move but with extremely fast acceleration getting faster all the time , moving behind trees but at a bewildering speed and then it was gone it seconds . Light was above the green garage and moved right to left.

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