As it was Rememberance Day ...

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Evans Electric

Supporting Member
Sep 15, 2008
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....You need to know that this was written with much sarcasm owing to MP Lady Astor  accusing the 8th Army  ( Desert Rats)  of being ...D Day Dodgers  when in fact they were sent from Africa to fight in Italy " With the Yanks "   

The final line is the tear jerker

line is the tear jerker .     So have a listen to D Day Dodgers  by the Ian Campbell Folk Group ,  much loved at the Jug 'o Punch in Brum . 

Excellent Deke,

Im sure you posted this previously,

On another note, I'm so fed up with loads of social media making it an English thing, this wasnt about simple England, where were the Welsh, Scots, and Irish (it was all one country then), and something a LOT of people forget, Ireland was the ONLY place in the UK to NOT have conscription, more people from the island of Ireland volunteered than they could cope with, or to leave to work the land. The Irish volunteers made up the 18th (iirc) and also the Ulster volunteers made up the 36th, who, along with the Scots and Welsh regiments, seemed to be treated as cannon fodder. 

Excellent Deke,

Im sure you posted this previously,

On another note, I'm so fed up with loads of social media making it an English thing, this wasnt about simple England, where were the Welsh, Scots, and Irish (it was all one country then), and something a LOT of people forget, Ireland was the ONLY place in the UK to NOT have conscription, more people from the island of Ireland volunteered than they could cope with, or to leave to work the land. The Irish volunteers made up the 18th (iirc) and also the Ulster volunteers made up the 36th, who, along with the Scots and Welsh regiments, seemed to be treated as cannon fodder. 

I noticed I was very much down played this year. :(

Still has to tell my customers to STFU at 11am as my grandfather and his friends fought hard so they can sit on their argos and watch Judge Grinder.


Stepps I think in WW2  the English , Welsh, Irish & Scots were mixed within the regiments so don't show up as individual nations .

What always gets to me is the attitude in WW1  towards the working classes of ALL nations who made up the rank & file .

As I'm sure you know , they had to abandon the Pal's Regiments during WW1 because the huge death rate was wiping out all the males from one area . 

There were Pal's Regiments from all over ,  Accrington , Bolton , Sheffield, Birmingham  , London  etc 

The other thing that never leaves me is just to see the death rate from the Battle of the Somme on DAY ONE  alone !!!!!!   Imagine that news coming back to us today on the news !!!!    Over 19000 British soldiers killed on day one .   

There were 60,000 casualties, of whom almost 20,000 were killed, before the attack was halted around noon.But due to the failure of the flanking divisions to make progress, the sacrifices of the Ulstermen were in vain and they had to abandon their hard-won positions and return to their starting positions. The losses amounted to 5,500 of whom almost 2,000 were killed. Nearly every community in Ulster had cause to mourn. Four Victoria Crosses were awarded to the Division in one day.

There were 60,000 casualties, of whom almost 20,000 were killed, before the attack was halted around noon.But due to the failure of the flanking divisions to make progress, the sacrifices of the Ulstermen were in vain and they had to abandon their hard-won positions and return to their starting positions. The losses amounted to 5,500 of whom almost 2,000 were killed. Nearly every community in Ulster had cause to mourn. Four Victoria Crosses were awarded to the Division in one day.
Did I just write that,?!?!?! :eek:

That really does put it in context,!! :(

You couldn't put cattle through a slaughterhouse that fast,,,, 

you did but you forgot the numbers

just think it was all done by noon, 60,000 men by noon (about 6 or 7  hours) 10,000 an hour 166 every minute ,3 every second

I meant it was very much the type of post I would have made, its a strange thing @poni

when stuff like that has every right thinking person being of the same viewpoint,

Such senseless loss,,,,

I don't think it would happen today the people are not so gullible, and the local communities are not as close as they were then,

World history seems to consist of either a single egotistical madman  killing & slaughtering thousands ...politicians doing the same  or so called Kings , Princes etc  launching their working classes against the working classes of some other so called King ...again with much blood letting .

Today we still have politicians rattling their sabres .  

One of the most scary things is to watch footage of  the German people Sieg Heiling  Herr Hitler & his monsters ..... an example of silencing the media , silencing the inteligencia , controlling the armed forces and the people are powerless to prevent it .

Again I have no shame in asking ..".how many times will the cannon balls fly before they're forever banned? "  

I don't think it would happen today the people are not so gullible, and the local communities are not as close as they were then,
The sad thing is a lot of irishmen were gulled by the redmondites into thinking they were fighting for irish freedom by joining the conflict.

The sad thing is a lot of irishmen were gulled by the redmondites into thinking they were fighting for irish freedom by joining the conflict.
on both sides were fooled into fighting for their own cause  the ones on the home rule side and the ones on the unionist side, it was the biggest 3 card trick the British played on the Irish, back then we were all Irish, yes even the ulster scots were Irish

on both sides were fooled into fighting for their own cause  the ones on the home rule side and the ones on the unionist side, it was the biggest 3 card trick the British played on the Irish, back then we were all Irish, yes even the ulster scots were Irish
You're right

hang on i'am never right, I must be ill 
Lol. I may have came across as a bit "sectarian" reading back over my post. Especially with my poppiless james mcclean avatar lol (3 goals in 2 games. I'm not removing it) You were right to open it up to both sides.

Lol. I may have came across as a bit "sectarian" reading back over my post. Especially with my poppiless james mcclean avatar lol (3 goals in 2 games. I'm not removing it) You were right to open it up to both sides.

I dont think you did,

and, I coulda swore I had gave you a scoob for it, but its not there now,  :|

it was as @poni said, one of the greatest 3 card tricks of modern times,

having the Republicans thinking they are fighting for freedom, and the Unionists thinking they are fighting for Britain,

ps. how are Rangers doing these days? are they above Crail utd yet?  :slap
