Eyup, just wondering if anyone here knows how much it would cost to earth the electrics of a house? Recently moved in and its a very old property...none of the electrics seem to be earthed. Is it a big job?
As others have suggested the best course of action is to get a full electrical inspection PIR carried out that will identify all areas requiring attention...
i.e. if there are earths missing there may be other bits also need sorting..
best to get a cost (quote) for the lot..
it would probably work out cheaper overall.
I would guess it is only the lighting circuit that has no earth?
It would seem very unusal to have no earth to the sockets!! :| :|
It was pre 1966 or thereabouts that lighting circuits were only twin cables (no earth)
But I cannot think of a time when earth was not required for socket??
unless any other real old people on here can??
(hands up who's the oldest... send em out weve got the place surrounded
Also probably main & supplimenatery earth bonding.. probably missing or incorrect cable sizes?
If any alterations have been carried out in the past 10 -15 years some of these bits should of been picked up??
unless it is really... really... really old & no changes !? ?:|
are some of the cables black rubber sheathed? :|
Or lead
It is not normally economical to just run earths to the fittings.
cuz while you are doing that you may as well put new PVC Twin & Earth cable to the lot!!
If it is really missing a lot one would assume it needs a new fusebox as well?
you are probably talking of a full rewire.....?
in which case you are probably looking between