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Evans Electric

Supporting Member
Sep 15, 2008
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Yes  two drug raids in our road last week  but only  the one were they armed with rifles. 

The problem appears to be from the following :-

 1)  Although interest rates are down , young couples can't find the deposits to buy a house.

 2)  So houses are purchased by landlords now .

3)  Landlords here seem to have two kinds of tenants , black girls who work ,& have kids but no bloke. They don't cause any problems . They don't speak to white people.  

     Otherwise its people from various eastern European countries who don't work , so benefits , rent paid, grow cannabis , only venture out to put bet on, also don't speak to    

      anyone . 

4)   In spite of being in  the EU you never find a German , Frenchman, Portugese, Spaniard , Dutch, Danish, Norwegian  and  just our very own Sweedy  .   Can't blame them I s'pose.

Just thinking but not being racist :-

Greeks speak to us.

Indians speak to us.

Sikhs speak to us. 

Irish speak to us .  

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I keep telling you, buy my house, we don't have these issues up here. Everyone in our road is white and speaks English as their first language, and all have a job and are owner occupiers.

I live in the arse end of nowhere, I drive for 1Hr 20 mins to my dentist who is either Dutch, Indian or Spanish all of whom are very pleasant.

On the up side no crime at all and part what???

So lets see ,all the cars have starting handles , and names like Hillman , Austin & Riley.    No computers , no cell phones , I plods or Raspberrys but a red phone box on every corner,  one channel  TV in Black & white with no commercials.  

Two cinemas in every High Street,  bread, milk  delivered to the door by horse drawn carts or possibly electric truck ,  lots of Grammer Schools,  National Service,  three radio stations  ,all BBC.

   Bobbies on bicycles two by two , no drug poisoned teenagers , pubs shut at 10.30 , never heard of the EU  , TV shuts down at 11.00pm  and only shows a test card during the day .

Everyone has a job , everyone smokes... nobody on benefits and teenagers in coffee houses playing Elvis records on the jukebox or roaring around on Triumph Bonnevilles . 

you just reminded me about the milkman.... Not Essex but the nice fellow who floated down the road at 5am hardly a sound except the occasional clink and the hum of the electric motor.

These days a skin head in a transit doing 50mph in 1st gear between houses whilst listening to LBC at full volume!

I hear New Zealand is good if you like the 1950's.

So lets see ,all the cars have starting handles , and names like Hillman , Austin & Riley.    No computers , no cell phones , I plods or Raspberrys but a red phone box on every corner,  one channel  TV in Black & white with no commercials.  

Two cinemas in every High Street,  bread, milk  delivered to the door by horse drawn carts or possibly electric truck ,  lots of Grammer Schools,  National Service,  three radio stations  ,all BBC.

   Bobbies on bicycles two by two , no drug poisoned teenagers , pubs shut at 10.30 , never heard of the EU  , TV shuts down at 11.00pm  and only shows a test card during the day .

Everyone has a job , everyone smokes... nobody on benefits and teenagers in coffee houses playing Elvis records on the jukebox or roaring around on Triumph Bonnevilles . 

How it should be, [and would still, had Enoch been listened to...]
