Crouzet syr-line timer wiring help (bl1r16mv1)

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Apr 16, 2020
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Hi all, 

I'm trying to wire up a crouzet syr-line din rail timer relay (model: bl1r16mv1) and having a little troubles with understanding wiring diagram and getting power out. 

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Was hoping i could put load live to 15, and load neutral to 16, but that's not working. 

Help greatly appreciated, 





Load live to 15 and load neutral to 16!


At rest it will go bang, lift the protection, magic smoke will come out as you have just created a dead short

but what do I know, see present wife for further details 

just saying

i think h means connect his load to 15 & 16. basically, he has as much chance of that working as connecting live & neutral to X & Y terminals of a brick

A relay is by definition an isolation device.  Put power on the coil side, that is A1 and A2, and the switch contacts will be operated, (subject to the set up, see below)


It's a changeover relay, (same as a two way switch). The contacts are 15 common, switching to either 16 or 18.    Does that help?

However, this is a sophisticated multi purpose time delay relay.  I have to ask, if you didn't understand the basic principle of a relay, what ARE you trying to do with it?
