I've been using 2 dimplex duo storage heaters for 3 years (fairview new build) this winter one of them went wrong, i tried to adjust the storage heat by holding down the + indicator for 10 seconds as i have done many times in the past, this time all the lights lit up and then it apperars to have frozen..
if i power on both supplys and power on all i get is 10 leds the front of the heater then get to hot too touch running on daytime power, if i try and ajust the led panel blinks and clicks but nothing changes, i havent left it over night as i cant afford to leave it running.
any ideas how to re-set or if you have come across this before
any help welcome - i have attached a couple of pictures
![GetAttachment[1] (2).jpg GetAttachment[1] (2).jpg](https://cdn.imagearchive.com/electricianforum/data/attachments/3/3877-2c0a58c188af9ee9392ae90fb4f09b31.jpg)
![GetAttachment[1].jpg GetAttachment[1].jpg](https://cdn.imagearchive.com/electricianforum/data/attachments/3/3878-503fd33e03913d7e72a9562687ad44fb.jpg)
if i power on both supplys and power on all i get is 10 leds the front of the heater then get to hot too touch running on daytime power, if i try and ajust the led panel blinks and clicks but nothing changes, i havent left it over night as i cant afford to leave it running.
any ideas how to re-set or if you have come across this before
any help welcome - i have attached a couple of pictures
![GetAttachment[1] (2).jpg GetAttachment[1] (2).jpg](https://cdn.imagearchive.com/electricianforum/data/attachments/3/3877-2c0a58c188af9ee9392ae90fb4f09b31.jpg)
![GetAttachment[1].jpg GetAttachment[1].jpg](https://cdn.imagearchive.com/electricianforum/data/attachments/3/3878-503fd33e03913d7e72a9562687ad44fb.jpg)